Kim is hitting nails with hammers again. Great stuff this! Here’s my take on this from a few years back.
What Would Calvin Say?
Recently a prominent evangelical (Bible church) pastor suggested that were Calvin alive today he would be premillennial and that true “Calvinists” should be (pre-trib, dispensational) premillennialists. Those of us who actually read Calvin and historic Calvinist theology and who are confessing ministers . . . Continue reading →
What Did Calvin Say? (re-post)
From 15 Mar 2007. Reposted here by request.
Audio: Amillennialism 101
At the RB
Looking for Resources on Amillennialism?
Look no more.
Eschatological Word Art
Has Christ Returned?
Roger writes to ask: I’ve been having discussions lately with a fellow who identifies himself as non-violent Anabaptist. He denies he is Emergent, but I’m not so sure. He is very involved in non-violent struggle against ‘the system’ – meaning capitalism and . . . Continue reading →
Anaheim Amil Tonight
Kim Riddlebarger is at it again. He’s lecturing on Amillennialism tonight at Christ Reformed in Anaheim. If you have eschatology questions or ever wondered if there’s another way of reading Scripture that doesn’t have you scanning the sky for black helicopters or . . . Continue reading →
Great Offer on Riddlebarger Audio on Amillennialism
Info here at Monergism (HT: Challies)
Office Hours: What the Bible Actually Says About the End Times
In this episode Office Hours talks with Dr Kim Riddlebarger, author of The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth About the Antichrist and about how to read Scripture the way God intends for it to be read. Kim is pastor of Christ . . . Continue reading →
A Case for A-millennialism Available on Kindle
Kim Riddlebarger’s excellent book, A Case for Amillennialism is now available for Kindle. I just got my copy (to go along with the print version on my shelf). You never know when you might need to make reference via mobile device. Here’s . . . Continue reading →
We Are Not Polishing Brass On A Sinking Ship
More than 30 years ago, when I first came into contact with Reformed theology, piety, and practice (the Reformed confession broadly defined), I also came into contact with a movement within the Reformed world known as “Christian Reconstructionism” and its child “theonomy.” . . . Continue reading →
We Condemn Jewish Dreams Of A Golden Age
THE SECTS. We therefore condemn all who deny a real resurrection of the flesh (II Tim. 2:18), or who with John of Jerusalem, against whom Jerome wrote, do not have a correct view of the glorification of bodies. We also condemn those . . . Continue reading →
With The New Geneva Podcast On Amillennialism (Part 2)
For many American evangelicals, faithfulness to the Bible means believing in a view of end times (eschatology) that teaches that says something like this: The book of the Revelation is to be read literally (including chapter 20) The formation of the nation . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 153: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (1)
What is God doing in the history of redemption and how to does that inform us about what he will do in the future? What were the Old Testament believers expecting? Has God promised to establish a literal 1,000 year kingdom on . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 154: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (2)
We begin this episode with a classic public service announcement by Vincent Price from 1950, warning about the dangers of bigotry and prejudice in American life. You shall have to hear it for yourself. It is apropos of our renewed social concern . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 155: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (3)
“Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…But Noah found favor in the eyes of Yahweh. Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 156: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (4)
If we are to understand how we’re to think about eschatology, about end times, about the relations between heaven and earth, and about life between the ascension of Christ and his return, we have to get to grips with our Lord’s Olivet . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 158: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (5): The Revelation
These episodes were meant to be an introduction to Christian eschatology so that we can consider 1 and 2 Peter but it has turned into a mini-series of its own and in this episode we’re looking that the Revelation given to the . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 159: As It Was In The Days Of Noah (6): To Elect Exiles, Sojourners, And Aliens
Thus far we have been looking at eschatology generally. I have been making the case for an amillennial reading of Scripture. We have been using our Lord’s words, “As It Was In The Days of Noah” (Matt 24:37; Luke 17:26) as our . . . Continue reading →