If you’re in Southern California I hope you’ll go hear my good friend Kim Riddlebarger. He really knows and understands eschatology (last things, end times) and he can explain it clearly. He’s speaking at a special event being held on January 26, . . . Continue reading →
Guy Waters on the Christian's Task
“Our task as Christians is not to try through social action or labors or endeavors of one sort or the other to usher in the new heavens and the new earth ourselves. We’re not the agents of that. That’s something God’s going . . . Continue reading →
Dispensationalism May Get You Arrested
Bad theology tends to produce bad living.
Hurtado: The Uniqueness of the Resurrection
Nice essay on the early Christian doctrine of the resurrection at Slate.com (HT: Jon Moersch).
An Office Hours Double Play: Horton and Van Ee
It’s an Office Hours double play this week as we talk with Mike Horton and Josh vanEe in two episodes. In the first, released today, Office Hours talks with Dr Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster . . . Continue reading →
Kim Riddlebarger on the History Channel
Congratulations to WSC alumnus and pastor of Christ URC (Anaheim), Kim Riddlebarger. He was watching the history channel talk about the Antichrist and who pops up on the screen but Kim himself!. There aren’t many books on this question. You should get . . . Continue reading →
By the Power of His Deity
Heidelberg Catechism Q. 17: 17. Why must he also be true God? That by the power of His Godhead He might bear in His manhood the burden of God’s wrath,1 and so obtain for 2 and restore to us righteousness and life.3 . . . Continue reading →
Anne Rice is Right (and Wrong)
I understand why Anne Rice has renounced (HT: Aquila Report) the visible, institutional church. She’s a modern and she’s an American. She might also have some “authority issues” (she was born “Howard Allen O’Brien“) but I digress. Yes, she’s Romanist but she’s . . . Continue reading →
Harold Camping May Never Learn But Will We?
Harold Camping has shown himself to be a false prophet. He promised that our Lord would return in 1994. Jesus didn’t return. Camping erred but he remains impenitent and unashamed. Indeed, he’s now promising that Jesus will return in 2011 (HT: Austin . . . Continue reading →
Some Of The Differences Between Baptists And Reformed Theology On The New Covenant
Introduction In my response to Tom Schreiner’s critique of the Reformed confession of the Sabbath I wrote, “Underlying Schreiner’s approach to both the Baptism and Sabbath questions is a very large but often unstated a priori conviction about the nature of the new . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: What the Bible Actually Says About the End Times
In this episode Office Hours talks with Dr Kim Riddlebarger, author of The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth About the Antichrist and about how to read Scripture the way God intends for it to be read. Kim is pastor of Christ . . . Continue reading →
Brian Lee Reviews Love Wins
Brian Lee reviews Love Wins on the Daily Caller. Brian writes: “Rob Bell is one of the hottest Christian preachers in the nation today, but does he say anything that’s uniquely Christian? In his new book, “Love Wins,” Bell paints a picture . . . Continue reading →
The Two Witnesses and Lampstands in Revelation 11
Bill asks, [C]ould you give me a quick answer to who the two witnesses are in Rev 11:3, and the identity of the two olive trees and two lamp stands in verse 4? Dear Bill, I understand the Revelation to have been . . . Continue reading →
A Cure for Romanticism About the 2nd Century
Each fall I teach a lecture course on the Ancient Church and a seminar on Patristics. For the first half of the seminar we use Michael Holmes (3rd edition) of the Apostolic Fathers. The Apostolic Fathers is a collection of texts mainly . . . Continue reading →
A Case for A-millennialism Available on Kindle
Kim Riddlebarger’s excellent book, A Case for Amillennialism is now available for Kindle. I just got my copy (to go along with the print version on my shelf). You never know when you might need to make reference via mobile device. Here’s . . . Continue reading →
Leaving, Leaning, and Looking (Phil 3:8-14)
The time after Christmas, including, in some places Boxing Day—for which different etymologies have been given—is a time for writing thank you notes. The Apostle Paul also wrote a thank you letter and the Spirit of God preserved it for us in . . . Continue reading →
We Are Not Polishing Brass On A Sinking Ship
More than 30 years ago, when I first came into contact with Reformed theology, piety, and practice (the Reformed confession broadly defined), I also came into contact with a movement within the Reformed world known as “Christian Reconstructionism” and its child “theonomy.” . . . Continue reading →
Jonestown and the Reformed Movement
On 18 November 1978, more than 900 people died in “Jonestown,” Guyana in one of the most spectacular examples in modern times of the danger of cults and sects. Jonestown was a settlement on the northeast coast of an ignored South American . . . Continue reading →
Covenant Theology Is Not Replacement Theology
Recently I had a question asking whether “covenant theology” is so-called “replacement theology.” Those dispensational critics of Reformed covenant theology who accuse it of teaching that the New Covenant church has “replaced” Israel do not understand historic Reformed covenant theology. They are imputing . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 35: Zeke Takes Us Behind The Scenes As The World Ends (Updated)
If you’ve been following the HB, the Heidelcast has been in re-runs for several months. Today, however, the Heidelcast is back with a brand new episode. Earlier this week I talked with Zeke Piestrup about his new documentary, “Apocalypse Later: Harold Camping . . . Continue reading →