Bad theology tends to produce bad living.
R. Scott Clark
R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.
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The BBC, of course, is enjoying this story greatly. It combines weirdness, guns, ‘Christians’ and Americans in roughly equal measure.
Here’s a link to the indictment for the case. They face five counts, including attempt to use weapons of mass destruction. That seems a bit excessive.
If these guys get out won’t the feel confirmed in their believe that Dooms-day is here/just around the corner.
Somehow I doubt they’re standard dispys…
Links from their website are a very mixed bag: Jack Van Impe, a Armstrongist WWCOG spinoff site, Dan Corner (obsessed anti-calvinist).
If they are preparing to battle Antichrist, when exactly do they expect the Pope to arrive in the rural Midwest? (Sorry, but I’ve been reading a lot of Calvin lately.)
These could just as easily be amillers, at least the amillers who believe in the appearance of a personal anti-Christ; although odds are they are an extremist representation of dispensational theology — but I would say this is a hasty generalization, if in fact this post was intended to be genuine.
Okay, these guys are anti-government doomsday nut cases. To try to pin this on Dispensational theology is disingenuous, to say the least. Your headline reminds me of when Bill Clinton tried to blaim the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh.
Squirrel is Gene Clyatt
Gene the Squirrel,
Speaking as a persuaded (close-minded?) amillenialist, I think you make a pretty good point here. I’d rather think the doctrine of sin explains sinful behavior, not the doctrine of last things. Truth (amil) can be twisted and pressed into the service of sinful behavior, but so can falsehood be employed for the same (disp). I suppose it’s a matter of debate which one is easier though.
Herold Camping is amill, need I say more? :o)
Well, it is April Fool’s Day.
What about pet care after the rapture?
Won’t the cats have to endure PURRRRRRR-secution?
It’s a little known fact that all cats are actually in league with the Antichrist.
They’re his spies and recon troops.
But if they were dispensationalists they wouldn’t they be expecting the rapture, not preparing to battle the antichrist?
Only if they were pre-Trib. Evidently these cats were mid- or post-Trib.
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You made me laugh but I had to delete it.
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Dr. Clark,
The story of my life.