When I was in seminary a few years later, I had a discussion with our local InterVarsity rep, who was a seasoned, old-time IV veteran. When I brought up my concerns about the dangers of inductive Bible studies and heterodoxy, she surprised . . . Continue reading →
More on Bible and Confession
This topic came up at the PB the other day. The question arose whether it was right, as has been reported, for someone to tell a former WTS/P prof that if the Bible contradicted the confession that he should follow the confession. . . . Continue reading →
Zwingli on Anabaptist Individualism
“If it should come to the point that everyone would like to begin whatever he wanted according to his own stubborn head, and not ask the church about it, then there would be more errors than Christians.” (HT: WSC Student Jose Jimenez).
The Presiding Bishop’s Over-Realized Eschatology
In her opening address to 2009 convention of the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) the most reverend the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding Bishop of the ECUSA, declared, The crisis of this moment has several parts, and like Episcopalians, particularly the ones . . . Continue reading →
Audio: With Bill Feltner (Pilgrim Radio) On Why So Many Denominations? (pt 2)
It is always good to talk with Bill Feltner, host of His People on the Pilgrim Radio Network (covering Northern California, Nevada, and Wyoming). Recently Bill called to ask the question: why are there so many church denominations? It is a big . . . Continue reading →