The advice of the Committee is that the Synod accede to the overture of Classic Grand Rapids East, that is a) ‘To amend Article 69 of our Church Order….so that a synodically approved collection of hymns may be added which may be . . . Continue reading →
regulative principle of worship
Tensions In The 1920s Over Reformed Worship
That it repeals the decision of the Synod of 1926 regarding choir~singing, and declare that there shall be no singing in our public services except by the congregation as a whole, on the ground: a) That there is no place for such . . . Continue reading →
Moral Courage In Defense Of That Vital Truth
Dr. Girardeau has defended the old usage of our church with a moral courage, loyalty to truth, clearness of reasoning and wealth of learning which should make every true Presbyterian proud of him, whether he adopts his conclusions or not. The framework . . . Continue reading →
Prelacy And Its Train Extirpated
We cannot but admire the good hand of God in the great things done here already, particularly that the Covenant (the foundation of the whole work) is taken; Prelacy and the whole train thereof extirpated; the Service-book in many places forsaken; plain . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: Diligently To Inquire What Worship God Approves
We should learn also from this passage, not to be induced by the will of any man to embrace any kind of religion, but diligently to inquire what worship God approves, and so to use our judgment as not rashly to involve . . . Continue reading →
What Do We Know About New Testament Worship?
What do we know they did in their Christian worship services in the Bible? We know they sang the Bible. We know that preached the Bible. We know they prayed the Bible. We know they read the Bible. We know they saw . . . Continue reading →
Your Honor, The Prosecution Rests
“Like a sloppy wet kiss” Continue reading →
Musical Instruments In Public Worship Are Among The Legal Ceremonies
…musical instruments were among the legal ceremonies which Christ at His coming abolished; and therefore we, under the Gospel, must maintain a greater simplicity (John Calvin, Commentary Exodus 15:21) Continue reading →
Ridgley: No Precept Nor Precedent For Instruments In NT Worship
QUESTION CLIV. What are the outward means whereby Christ communicates to us the benefits of his mediation? ANSWER. The outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicates to his church the benefits of his mediation, are all his ordinances; especially the word, sacraments, . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 96–98: Worshiping The True God Truly (1)
Few topics are more incendiary in the church than that of public worship. Yet no topic is more important to the Christian faith and life than public worship. This is a recipe for a crisis, which is where we find ourselves. Feelings . . . Continue reading →
You Shall Not Worship Yahweh Your God That Way
You shall not worship Yahweh your God in that way. But you shall seek the place that Yahweh your God will choose out of all your tribes to put his name and make his habitation there. There you shall go, and there . . . Continue reading →
Overturning The Reformation In 1617–18
The government of the Scottish Church was thus completely subverted in its external aspect. The crown was now determined to see whether with equal ease it was possible to introduce the ceremonies of the English Church. James ordered repairs to be made . . . Continue reading →
Calvin’s Response To Being Forced To Observe Christmas
Now, I see here today more people that I am accustomed to having at the sermon. Why is that? It is Christmas day. And who told you this? You poor beasts. That is a fitting euphemism for all of you who have . . . Continue reading →
William Perkins On Will Worship
VI. Will-worship, when God is worshipped with a naked and bare good intention, not warranted by the word of God (Col. 2:23; 1 Sam 13:9,10, 13).1 Hitherto may we add Popish superstitions in sacrifices, meats, holidays, apparel, temporary and bead-ridden prayers,2 indulgences, . . . Continue reading →
Beza On Saints’ Days, The Christian Sabbath, And Festivals
We say that it is a superstition to esteem one day more holy than another, or to think that to abstain from labour is something which, in itself, pleases God (Rom 14:5, 6; Col 2:16, 17). But, following what the Lord has . . . Continue reading →
Calvin Contra Sadoleto On the Regulative Principle Of Worship
I have also no difficulty in conceding to you that there is nothing more perilous to our salvation than a distorted and perverse worship of God. The primary rudiments by which we are wont to train to piety those whom we wish . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The “Rule of Worship” And The “Inventions Of Men”
On the second point, when God is worshipped by inventions of men, he condemns this “fear” as superstitious, though men endeavour to cloak it under a plausible pretence of religion, or devotion, or reverence. He assigns the reason, that it “hath been . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On Acts 2:42: God Controls Worship Sola Scriptura
Hereby we may easily gather how frivolous the boasting of the Papists is, whilst that they carelessly thunder out with full mouth the name of the Church; whereas, notwithstanding, they have most filthily corrupted the doctrine of the apostles. For if it . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On Acts 18: Leaving The Worship Of God To Human Choice Is Absurd
Now, when the true God is known, and the certain and sure rule of worshipping him is understood, there is nothing more equal than that which God commandeth in his law, to wit, that those who bear rule with power (having abolished . . . Continue reading →
Calvin: The Rule Of Worship Necessitated The Reformation
Now, even at this very time, when we are seeking and searching to find out the misdeeds on account of which God punishes us, and in what we have offended, you allege against us, that we have changed the divine service, and . . . Continue reading →