Prelacy And Its Train Extirpated

We cannot but admire the good hand of God in the great things done here already, particularly that the Covenant (the foundation of the whole work) is taken; Prelacy and the whole train thereof extirpated; the Service-book in many places forsaken; plain and powerful preaching set up; many colleges in Cambridge provided with such ministers as are most zealous of the best reformation, altars removed, the communion in some places given at the table with siting; the great Organs at Paul’s and of Peter’s, Westminster, taken down; Images and many other monuments of idolatry defaced and abolished; the Chapel Royal at Whitehall purged and reformed, and all by authority, in a quiet manner, at noon day.

—Scottish Commissioners to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 20 May 1644. Quoted in A Statement of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Glasgow Relative to the Use of An Organ in St Andrew’s Church in the Public Worship of God on the 23rd August, 1807 (Glasgow, 1808), 40–41. [italics original]

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