The advice of the Committee is that the Synod accede to the overture of Classic Grand Rapids East, that is a) ‘To amend Article 69 of our Church Order….so that a synodically approved collection of hymns may be added which may be . . . Continue reading →
Your Honor, The Prosecution Rests
“Like a sloppy wet kiss” Continue reading →
Kuyper: The Introduction Of Hymns To Dutch Reformed Worship Was Done Unlawfully
Here we come to the issue of psalms versus hymns. Our fathers ruled that, with a few exceptions, only the singing of psalms was permitted in the assembly of believers. When hymns were introduced in 1807 (by unlawful ecclesiastical might) many people . . . Continue reading →
The Psalm I Want Sung At My Graveside
To my friends, no I am not, as far as I know, in imminent danger of death. My enemies shall have to wait a bit longer. My reflections this morning are inspired by a series of posts at TGC including “The Song Scott . . . Continue reading →
Kuyper: The “Real Gold” Of Psalms And Idolization Of Hymns
When you compare the poetic and religious quality of the hymnal with our Psalter, the former looks like a child’s play. Gilded tin and real gold have nothing in common. And yet the inferior hymnal was quickly given such prominence by persons . . . Continue reading →
Saturday Psalm Series: Keith Getty’s Critique Of Contemporary Worship Music Is A Step In The Right Direction
In 2008, Mike Horton called attention to the phenomenon of a radically subjective turn in American evangelicalism, in Christless Christianity. Unfortunately, a single book diagnosing the deep sickness of American evangelical Christianity was not enough to turn the tide. In that volume, Mike . . . Continue reading →