I had fun talking with Nick Fullwiler of the Guilt, Grace, Gratitude podcast about the history of the Reformation. What led to it and why did it happen? Is there a new Reformation under way today? Do we need a Reformation today and if so, how would it appear? What does the Reformation have to say about the charismatic doctrine of continuing revelation? What does the Reformation have to say about John Piper’s doctrine of final salvation through good works? Whom among the Reformation figures beside Luther should evangelicals be reading today? Were the Anabaptists Protestants (i.e., did they accept the Reformation solas)? How did Luther and Calvin agree and how did they disagree? What should we think about Zwingli (and what are the relations between Zwingli, American evangelicals, and the Young, Restless, and Reformed movement)?
You can listen to the episode here.
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This interview represents a most important argument in favor of the reformation over and above its antecedents. I plan to welcome as many evangelicals as possible to listen to it and hopefully learn a few things from it. The discussion couples well with an article that Mike Horton posted in a special 2017 anniversary edition [in Modern Reformation magazine] of the 500th year celebration of the Reformation, “Protestantism is Over and the Radicals Won,” in which he decries the errant direction the anabaptists (the radical reformers) took advantage of during that period – one which carries on to today in much of Western “evangelicalism.”
What I’m thinking (and I welcome any feedback) is that certainly the medieval church had gone in the wrong direction for the various reasons cited by Dr. Clark during this interview, but it seems like Satan, realizing this sudden turn toward the greater truth of redemptive history as posited in scripture, hastily turned various sub-groups into directions that went into different directions. These would include the anabaptists, at least, as well as others who attempted to link an inwardly-focused view of pietism to salvation.