For the last several years several writers identified with the broader Reformed movement have proposed that Christians are saved initially by grace alone, through faith alone but finally through faith and works. There are two claims here: 1) salvation is in two stages and 2) the instruments in each stage differ. Second, some have alleged that these doctrines are the doctrines of the Reformed tradition. So we have exegetical, theological, historical, and practical questions: If one’s present salvation is merely provisional, which is logically necessary if there are two stages, what is the basis of one’s assurance? Of course assurance of faith or assurance of salvation is vitiated, and should these proposals stand, every Christian is, with Martin Luther, in a monastic cell in Eurfurt wondering if he will perform works of sufficient number and quality finally to enter heaven. Here are some resources to help you work through these questions.
- We Attain Heaven Through Faith Alone
- Perkins: Salvation, All Of It, Is By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
- Should We Allow Wesleyans To Narrate The Reformed Tradition For Us (Or Why We Are Not Finally Saved Through Good Works)
- Faith Alone Is The Instrument Of Justification And Salvation
- Piper Makes Final Salvation A Covenant of Works
- Salvation Sola Gratia, Sola Fide: On Distinguishing Is, With, And Through
- The Heidelberg Catechism Confesses Salvation By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
- Saved Through Good Works?
- Believers Are Not Out On Bail
- Jesus: Your Faith Has Saved You
- The Shield of Works? Faith, Spiritual Warfare, and Salvation
- Believers Are Saved And Sealed
- In By Grace, Stay In By Faithfulness?
- Heidelcast 98: Salvation, Good Works, And Conditions
- Baugh: Ephesians 2:8 Presents Salvation As Completed
- Baugh On Ephesians 2:9: Good Works Are From Not Unto Salvation
- Muddying The Distinction Between Justification And Salvation
- Heidelcast Series On Nomism And Antinomianism
- Justification By Faith Alone Is The Normative Reformed Doctrine
- Sola Fides is Not Sola Fide
- An Important Distinction Between Kinds And Functions Of Conditions
- What Is True Faith? The Romanist Condemnation Of True Faith
- Office Hours: The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification
- Brothers, We Are Not Perfectionists
- Machen: Salvation is By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
- Justification And Vindication
- Easy Obeyism
- Godfrey: Salvation Sola Fide vs. Salvation By Faith Formed By Love
- What Is True Faith? A Glorious Omission
- Was Calvin A Lutheran?
- After the Federal Vision: The Return of Moralism
- The Consensus of the Divines, Legalism, And The Covenant Of Works
- The Logic Of Fruit As Evidence
- Justified Through Our Faithfulness?
- The Reasons Christians Do Good Works
- Witsius And Turretin On The Necessity And Efficacy Of Good Works In Salvation
- Berkhof On What Sense Works Are Said To Be Necessary In Salvation
- Did Ursinus Teach Final Salvation And That Through Works?
- The Necessity Of Good Works: Ursinus’ Exposition Of Heidelberg 64
- Daniel Fuller: The Background To The Current Salvation Controversy
- Calvin On Salvation By Grace Alone Through Faith Alone
- Why We Remember The Reformation (1)
- Why We Remember The Reformation (2)
- Why We Remember the Reformation (3).
- J. G. Vos On Salvation And Good Works in WLC 32
- Berkhof On Salvation And Good Works
- Dort: Things We May Not Say About Salvation
- Perkins: Grace Admits No Partner
- Turretin: We Do Good Works Because We Live By The Gospel
- Olevianus On The State Of Believers In The Judgment
- Hodge: Christ Fulfilled The Condition Of The Covenant Of Works For Believers
- The Question Is Not Whether Believers Do Good Works But Why
- Machen: Salvation Through Faith Vs. Salvation Through Love
- The Principal Acts Of Saving Faith
- Witsius: The Law Of Works And The Law Of Faith Are Antecedent And Consequent Conditions
- Goodwin: Salvation Is Through Faith Alone But Good Works Are A Necessary Consequence
- Goodwin: Faith Alone Is The Condition Of The Covenant Of Grace
- Goodwin: Faith Does It All
- Witsius: Good Works Are Necessary Effects And Evidences Of Salvation
- Believer, You Are Being Graciously Sanctified
- Olevianus: Salvation Is By Grace Alone Or Christ Is But Half A Savior
- Vos On The Role Of Works In Salvation
- Why Should I Love God?
- There Is Only One Stage Of Justification
- Perkins: Faith Is The Instrument Of Salvation
- Dort On Election, Conditions, And Fruit
- The Impenitent Cannot Be Saved
- Sproul: Why Can’t We Say Good Works Are Necessary As Evidence?
- Will We Be Finally “Saved” By Faith Alone (sola fide)?
- Richard Baxter on Initial and Final Justification
- The Bible Presbyterian Church Rejects Two-Stage Justification and Final Justification Through Works
- Marrowmen: Our Good Works Are Not Instrumental Or Causal In Our Justification Or Salvation
- Brakel: It Is Contrary To The Reformed Confession To Say Justification Is Acquired By Good Works
- Piper’s Doctrine Of Final Salvation Through Works: The Reformed Brotherhood Understands Your Pain
- Yes, He Really Does Teach Final Salvation Through Works
“For the last several years several writers identified with the broader Reformed movement have proposed that Christians are saved initially by grace alone, through faith alone but finally through faith and works.”
I’m pretty sure I know the name of one of these writers, but would you list a few names? It’s not always straight forward to spot who’s teaching this since they use reformed language but have a different working definition of some key terms.
What a tremendous treasure we Reformed have in our Three Forms of unity, to provide us with a firm foundation in sound doctrine. False teachers are trying to scare us with the threat of being judged, when Christ returns, that we will be judged on the evidence of our works for our final right standing before God. But the truth is that Christ has already been judged in the place of those who trust in Him, and vindicated. So are His people, and they will join Him in glory on the last day. We can look ahead to that day with full confidence because we are as righteous as Christ himself. There is your true incentive to do good works.
Let me ask 3 questions:
1. Will believers appear before the Lord at the final judgment?
2. If the answer is no, what do you do with the texts that appear to indicate believers appearing before the Lord at the final judgment?
3. If answer is yes, then for what will they give an account? what about them will the Lord judge?
Heidelberg Catechism:
Belgic Confession art. 37:
The historically sustained relentless push-back on our being ‘justified by grace’ (see Rom. 3:24. Titus 3:7) shows the spiritual battle line for the gospel once delivered to the saints, for which we must contend just as relentlessly. Our assurance is ‘Our God shall fight for us’, and that the Spirit is Lord, and is gathering God’s elect from every corner of the world.