Is the whole of Christ’s salvation offered in the gospel to sinners? Then salvation from the law as a covenant of works is tendered to them. In the declarations and offers of the blessed gospel, the consummate righteousness of Jesus Christ, which has not only answered all the demands of the law as a covenant but has magnified the law and made it honorable (Isa. 42:21), is presented to them. In the gospel they are also invited to receive the gift of that glorious righteousness, against which the utmost rigor of the violated law can offer no objection because it is the righteousness of Him who is God as well as man. When they are enabled to accept the gift of it and to rely with humble confidence on it for all their title to justification and eternal life, it is imputed to them; and they are so justified in the sight of God as to be set free from all the demands of the law in its covenant form. And when by means of the gospel they are thus delivered from the dominion of the law as a covenant, they are, in consequence, saved from the dominion of sin.
John Colquhoun | A Treatise on the Law and Gospel (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books), 103.
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