At this writing the “Calvin’s Legacy” conference is 8 days, 2 hours and some away. If you can’t make it to this year’s conference (and we’re very close to being sold out so, if you’re planning to register, act quickly) you can . . . Continue reading →
Calvin’s Legacy Conference
Escondido Weather for Conference-Bound Travelers
Currently in Escondido it’s 81F. High on Friday is expected to be 79 and on Saturday 77. Not a cloud in sight right now. Bring your sunscreen SPF 17+. It’s gorgeous. The Santa Ana winds of the last few days are gone. . . . Continue reading →
WSC Calvin Conference: Live-Blogging Calvin's Legacy
Thanks to whomever for the cool artwork (Justin or Tim?). How did he do that? The blog goes live at 6PM Fri night. I’ll be posting links here but you can also subscribe via RSS.
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You
The conference is sold out. Packed. Looks like it will be a lot of fun. Lots of alumni and new friends on campus already. Don’t worry. You can follow the conference via the live blog. Subscribe here. It’s live at 6PM Pacific and . . . Continue reading →
Calvin's Legacy Conference Posts and Photos
The official conference blog posts are on the WSC site. You can also see all the photos at the official WSC Facebook page. Audio is available from the Bookstore at WSC. The conference was a lot of fun. Had lunch with a roomful . . . Continue reading →
A Really Great Conference
So says Jim Renihan. The audio from the conference hasn’t been posted yet, but you will be able download it from the Bookstore at WSC.
Calvin's Legacy mp3s Available for Download
They’re just $2.00 per address at The Bookstore at WSC.
New: Evangelium Vol 7.1 Spring '09 (Free!)
EVANGELIUM is a free quarterly magazine distributed by WSC. You can subscribe here. This month has the text of the Calvin’s Legacy Conference talks by Bob Godfrey, Steve Baugh, and Mike Horton.