David Neff at CT has been reading John Witte, Jr on natural law and the two kingdoms. Darryl Hart replies to Neff.
civil kingdom
Civil Liberties Watch: Arab Christians Muzzled in Dearborn?
So Jihad Watch claims.
Once More: Resources on the Two Kingdoms
Judging from the sorts of comments and criticisms I read it seems clear that a good number of people who are writing or commenting on the “two-kingoms” (or the two spheres) ethic don’t really understand it. I’ve posted resource lists in the . . . Continue reading →
We're Talking About Practice; Not a Game, Not A Game, Not a Game
CNN has the story (HT: RNS). The ban still must pass the French Senate before it becomes law. This is a complicated issue. On the one hand the burqa (full body covering) and the niqab (partial face covering) are religious and political . . . Continue reading →
Casino Conundrum and Creational Ethics
An HB Classic
California voters are being asked to vote on a ballot proposition that would allow larger casinos on the premise that it will generate more tax revenue. It’s being opposed by other gambling interests in and out of state. The folks who oppose . . . Continue reading →