Bill Chellis weighs in thoughtfully.
general equity
Office Hours: Justice, The Bible, And The Modern World
Few questions heat up the Evangelical and Reformed worlds in North America quite as quickly as the question of how to relate biblical law to contemporary civil life. A significant number of American evangelicals think that the biblical laws of the Mosaic . . . Continue reading →
Ursinus: The Mosaic Civil Laws Pointed To Christ And Are Fulfilled
The use of the judicial, or civil laws, was, That they might contribute to the preservation of the Mosaic polity. That they might be types of the government of the church in the kingdom of Christ, inasmuch as the princes and kings . . . Continue reading →
Calvin On The Threefold Distinction In The Law And The Abrogation Of The Mosaic Civil Laws
The moral law (to begin first with it) is contained under two heads, one of which simply commands us to worship God with pure faith and piety; the other, to embrace men with sincere affection. Accordingly, it is the true and eternal . . . Continue reading →
What Does “General Equity” Mean?
I. As the ceremonial law was concerned with God, the political was concerned with the neighbor. II. In those matters on which it is in harmony with the moral law and with ordinary justice, it is binding upon us. III. In those . . . Continue reading →
William Perkins On General Equity
But touching other nations and specially Christian Commonwealths in these days, the case is otherwise. Some are of the opinion that the whole judicial law is wholly abolished and some again run to the other extreme, holding that the judicial laws bind . . . Continue reading →
James Ussher On General Equity
What call you the Judicial Law? That wherein God appointed a Form of Politic and Civil Government of the Common-wealth of the Jews: Which therefore is ceased with the Dissolution of that State, for which it was ordained; saving only in the . . . Continue reading →
Ussher Rejected Theonomy And Explained General Equity
What call you the Judicial Law? That wherein God appointed a Form of Politick and Civil Government of the Common-wealth of the Jews: Which therefore is ceased with the Dissolution of that State, for which it was ordained; saving only in the . . . Continue reading →
Samuel Rutherford Contra Theonomy On General Equity
Judicial laws may be judicial and Mosaical, and so not obligatory to us, according to the degree and quality of punishment, such as in Deuteronomy 13, the destroying the city, and devoting all therein to a curse; we may not do the . . . Continue reading →
Samuel Rutherford: “The Whole Bulk Of The Judicial Laws…Is Expired”
That this Author saith, God commanded those that transgressed his holy Law with an high hand, and presumptuously to be killed, lest they should live and profane his holy things; I defend not: But sure Erastus erreth, who will have all such . . . Continue reading →