What call you the Judicial Law?
That wherein God appointed a Form of Politick and Civil Government of the Common-wealth of the Jews: Which therefore is ceased with the Dissolution of that State, for which it was ordained; saving only in the common Equity.
Is this Law utterly revoked and abolished by Christ?
No. For he came not to overturn any good Government of the Common-wealth; much less that which was appointed by God himself.
May not Christian Magistrates then swerve any thing from those Laws of Government, which were set down by Moses?
In some Circumstances they may: But in the general Equity and Substance they may not.
What Judicial Laws are immutably to be observed now of Christian Magistrates?
Those which have Reasons annexed unto them, and especially those wherein God hath appointed Death for the Punishment of hainous Offences.
James Ussher, Body of Divinity, 242
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