In Books and Culture.
Alan Jacobs
Alan Jacobs on Conscience: A Sabbath for an Outfielder?
Alan Jacobs is always interesting and thoughtful and this piece is no exception. Stanley Fish thinks that physicians with a conscience should get out of the biz—so much for the Hippocratic Oath!— and Jacobs replies with an appeal to Sandy Koufax, Hank . . . Continue reading →
Perhaps Academic Standards Have Fallen Since 1941-42?
Alan Jacobs posted this copy of W. H. Auden’s undergraduate lit survey at 95 Theses. at the University of Michigan from the academic year 1941–42. Was it extraordinary then? It would certainly be considered so now and perhaps even grounds for censure . . . Continue reading →
Catastrophically Stupid
The catastrophically stupid assumption in Boyle’s op-ed is that recognizing acts as evil and trying to understand them are incompatible. —Alan Jacobs.