K asks, “If God’s Word forbids women teaching and exercising authority” why shouldn’t the state follow the same principle?”
I Get Questions
Is Humanism Evil?
David asks, The term “humanism” seem to incite disgust in most conservative Christians today but I have heard Calvin and other reformers referenced as “humanists.” What is the difference between the word’s use in that context and the present one?
Heidelvid Episode 1: Are The Scriptures Reliable?
Resources How To Subscribe To Heidelmedia Inerrancy Is The Historic Christian View Of Scripture Resources On The Inerrancy Of Scripture The HB Resource Archive Heidelmedia Archive
Should Lay People Administer The Sacraments?
A correspondent wrote to ask whether Christian laity should administer the sacraments? This is an ancient question, though typically we face it in a different form. In the Reformation, Calvin dealt with this question because midwives would administer baptism to infants in . . . Continue reading →
Should the State Imitate the Church?
One of our readers named K wrote me to ask, “If God’s Word forbids women from teaching and exercising authority, why shouldn’t the state follow the same principle?” This is a good and interesting question. It is made even more complicated by . . . Continue reading →
When Should I Leave My Congregation?
One of the themes I have pursued here is the churchlessness of the evangelical movement.1 I have challenged those evangelicals who say they believe the Reformed faith to stop being Nicodemites.2 When other folk see for themselves what is happening and they . . . Continue reading →