Part 1. Anyone may go to seminary but not every one should go to seminary. The second part of the answer is who should not go to seminary. Before I continue let me say, for the sake of our current students, that I . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: The Class of 2010
UPDATE 3 June 2010 A few listeners have reported problems listening to Office Hours in Google Chrome (the browser). If you’re using Chrome and having difficulty hearing the program (or hearing all of it) try using Safari or Firefox. The best thing . . . Continue reading →
We Just Do Surgery
The other day I was talking with a student at a local coffeehouse in beautiful downtown Escondido. He was telling me about his experience in seminary. He said he began at another seminary, even though his pastor recommended WSC, because he was . . . Continue reading →
Who Should Not Go To Seminary?
Last time we answered the question: who should go to seminary? The answer was that anyone may go to seminary, but not everyone should go to seminary. Today we will focus on the second part of the answer: who should not go . . . Continue reading →