Resources On The Republication Of The Covenant Of Works


  1. Witsius: Sinai Was a Republication of the Covenant of Works
  2. Ussher: The Covenant of Works is the Sum of the Law
  3. Boston: WCF 19 Teaches Republication
  4. Pictet on the Similarities and Differences Between the Covenants of Works and Grace
  5. Witsius on the Dual Character of the Mosaic Covenant
  6. Sibbes: Our First Communion Was Founded on a Covenant of Works
  7. Olevianus on Moses As a Legal Covenant
  8. Dickson on the Covenants of Works and Grace in Galatians 3
  9. Perkins on the Covenant of Works
  10. Ames on the Substantial Identity of the Moral Law with the Decalogue
  11. Rollock: The Covenant of Works Was Founded on Nature and Republished to Israel
  12. Rollock: God Repeated the Covenant of Works to Israel
  13. Rollock: He Was To Repeat the Covenant of Works
  14. Gillespie: Moses Was a Pedagogical Republication of the Covenant of Works
  15. J. H. Heidegger on the Mixed Quality of the Mosaic Covenant
  16. Cooper: There Is A Republication of the Covenant of Works
  17. Colquhoun On the Republication of the Covenant of Works
  18. Polanus on Republication
  19. Witsius: The Sinai Law is Substantially the Law of Nature
  20. Buchanan: The Law Was Not Relaxed But Republished
  21. Owen On the Law in the Garden and at Horeb
  22. Buchanan: Moses Was An Administration of Grace and a Republication of the Covenant of Works
  23. Buchanan: The Law Might Be Called A Covenant of Works
  24. The Marrow Surveys Seventeenth-Century Opinion On Republication
  25. The Marrow on Republication
  26. Bolton Surveys Seventeenth-Century Opinion on Republication
  27. Witsius: The Law Given at Sinai Was a Republication of the Covenant of Works
  28. Boston: The Covenant of Works Was Repeated and Delivered on Sinai
  29. Petto: Moses Is And Is Not A Covenant of Works
  30. Hodge: A Renewed Proclamation of the Covenant of Works
  31. Vos: God Allowed The Republication Of The Covenant Of Works
  32. Berkhof: Sinai Contained a Reminder of the Covenant of Works
  33. Baugh on the Legal Principle in Moses
  34. Robert Shaw on Republication in the WCF
  35. Perkins on “The Law Is Not of Faith”

Leviticus 18:5

  1. Turretin: Leviticus 18:5 Proves That God Promised Blessedness to Adam
  2. Turretin: Leviticus 18:5 Is Proof of the Covenant of Works
  3. Owen: Leviticus 18:5 Is Nothing But A Revival of the Covenant of Works
  4. Witsius: Leviticus 18:5 Repeated the Covenant of Works
  5. Sibbes: Leviticus 18:5 Is A Covenant of Works


  1. R. Scott Clark, “Christ and Covenant: Federal Theology in Orthodoxy,” in Herman Selderhuis, ed., Companion to Reformed Orthodoxy (Leiden: Brill, 2013).
  2. R. Scott Clark, Seven Short Points on Republication
  3. R. Scott Clark, Is Republication Really That Confusing?
  4. R. Scott Clark, Why Is the Doctrine of Republication So Controversial?
  5. Brian Lee, No One In the Reformed Tradition Has Taught that Moses Was Exclusively A Covenant of Works
  6. R. Scott Clark The Context of the Republication Debate
  7. R. Scott Clark, Republication of the Covenant of Works (1)
  8. R. Scott Clark, Republication of the Covenant of Works (2)
  9. R. Scott Clark, Republication of the Covenant of Works (3)


  1. Heidelcast 48: Making Some Sense of the Republication Debate (1)
  2. Heidelcast 49: Making Some Sense of the Republication Debate (2)
  3. Heidelcast 50: Making Some Sense of the Republication Debate (3)
  4. Office Hours: The Law is Not of Faith
  5. Heidelminicast: Buchanan Taught Republication In 1867

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