The translation is here. The Heidelberg Catechism is also in Swahili now.
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Is there a link to a pdf version? This is wonderful!
Added to the post.
Scott, that’s great – thank you! Do you know who translated and who published it?
Hi Steve,
The same folks who did the Heidelberg. See that link above.
God be praised! As a student of languages with less robust resources, this is fantastic news. Now, I need to learn Swahili!
wow! It’s great news.
Thank you for sharing Professor! 🙂
The gentlemen translators, Benard Okongo and Lameck Ochieng have now begun work on a new Swahili translation of the Canons of Dort. We are thrilled with this and hope to have The Three Forms of Unity published for church members by the New Year. We covet your prayers. Recently, “rains down in Africa” overwhelmed many of our brethren there in Kenya. Thanks, as usual Dr.Clark.
This is wonderful. Thanks for spreading the word.