On Jesus, Assumptions, Temptation, And Speculation

In a recent interview posted to the Australian edition of a very popular evangelical website, Ed Shaw, co-founder of the Living Out website, where it is argued that same-sex attraction (SSA) is “natural” and that SSA is not per sesinful—this is the . . . Continue reading →

New HB Resource Page On LGBTQ And Revoice

In our never-ending quest to make the resources of the Heidelblog easily accessible we have created a new resource page devoted to LGBTQ issues, Revoice and so-called “Side-B” (Gay) Christianity. Here is the resource: Resources On LGBTQ And Revoice. The HB Resource Page contains . . . Continue reading →

The Question Of The Hour In The PCA

The question of the hour is whether missional contextualization requires celibate gay/same-sex-attracted (SSA) “Side B” pastors. The supporters of (or tolerators of) Side B ministers and the novel doctrine that goes along with them would not say that mission-driven cultural accommodation (per . . . Continue reading →

Payne: The PCA Already Has A Creed

Creating space for these unbiblical cultural creeds in the PCA will facilitate serious and irreparable damage and division. Therefore, they must be rejected. There is no room for compromise. The Assembly’s voting margins from last week foster hope that the PCA’s future plans do not include tent expansion. We mustn’t make room for Side B and CRT. Continue reading →