In that sense, the Bible’s view of sexuality is not motivated by small-mindedness, unloving moralism, discrimination, violence, and bullying, as its critics claim. Biblical sexuality comes from a theistic understanding of the universe, deeply rooted in the being of God Himself, which is the ground zero of existence. We are made in his image, male and female, to reflect his image of unity in distinctions, as ultimately expressed in the Trinity. Homosexuality is not only “sinful,” but, as Paul says in Romans 1:26, it is “unnatural.” It is not “unnatural” just because most people don’t understand it or don’t identify as homosexuals. It is unnatural because it is out of order with the physical cosmos as God made it. It is thus both a rejection of the natural world and of God himself, who is both moral judge and intelligent Creator of all things.
The Revoice Conference, which provoked the calling of the Study Committee, raised a number of important issues, but, as part of the church, claiming essential orthodoxy, it reveals an appalling lack of Creational theology for expounding the biblical teaching on sexuality. Greg Coles, who has been given an influential role in the Christian world, by leading the worship at Revoice and by publishing his book Single, Gay and Christian with the well-respected Intervarsity press. Yet Coles fails to see the fundamental importance of the Bible’s binary distinctions between Creator and creature, male and female. He says he doesn’t know if he is in favor of same-sex marriage and states: “I’ve never been fluent in the language of binaries.”[2] With this lack of “fluency,” he creates his own account of creation…Read more»
Peter Jones | “What the PCA Study Committee Did Not Study” | TruthXChange | June 16, 2020 (HT: Aquila Report)
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Wow! Peter Jones has once again nailed it! Thanks very much for this post!