Perkins On The Pedagogical Use Of The Law

If life and justice come not by the law, the law then is in vain. And this objection is expressed by way of interrogation, ‘Wherefore then serves the law?’ The answer is in the next words, ‘It is added for transgressions,’ that is, for the revealing of sin and the punishment thereof, and for the convincing of men touching their sins (Rom 3:19–20; HT: Inwoo Lee).

William Perkins, Commentary on Galatians, Works, 2:194 (On Galatians 3:19).



    Post authored by:

  • Inwoo Lee
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    Inwoo Lee (BA, UCSD) earned his MA (Historical Theology) in 2020 from Westminster Seminary California and is author of “Righteous Before God: William Perkins’ Doctrine of Justification in Elizabethan England” (MA Thesis, Westminster Seminary California, 2020). He lives in the Great Seoul area, in South Korea with his wife Holly.

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