What Hath Angels to Do With Baptism? For a homily on baptism, Tertullian sure talks about angels more than one might expect. What are we to make of it all? As with any historical figure, it is all too easy to impose . . . Continue reading →
Author: Isaac Fox
Isaac Fox is pursuing an MA in Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California. When he isn’t panicking about deadlines, he enjoys reading Dante and chatting with strangers at coffee shops. His writing has appeared in Modern Reformation, Core Christianity, and several seminary papers that he is confident his professors treasure.
Tertullian Was A Cautious Paedobaptist (Part 1)
I was baptized as an infant. I was an adult when I wrestled with whether I should have been. Baptism has been a fairly controversial Christian issue for two thousand years if some are to be believed—or five hundred if others have . . . Continue reading →