In 1850, a former slave named William J. Anderson built a church building in downtown Madison, Indiana. Anderson had escaped the clutches of slavery and made it just across the Ohio River into Madison. He became a conductor on the Underground Railroad and, . . . Continue reading →
Author: Collin Welch
Collin is pastor of Madison Reformed Church. He was born and raised in Madison, IN. He and his lovely wife, Nicole, have two kids—Calvin and Ingrid. After graduating from MCHS (‘08), Collin thought the Lord was leading him into filmmaking but instead, doors have opened again and again into pastoral ministry. During a time of searching, he discovered the riches of the historic Protestant and Reformed Christian faith and attended Westminster Seminary California, graduating M.Div in May 2020. He loves his family and his hometown, and he’s looking forward to ministering God’s Word in the Ohio River Valley. “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8).