To paraphrase the concern of one of the leading theologians of the past century: one of the great issues with reading texts from within the tradition, but from a much earlier time, is that it is as if we live in a . . . Continue reading →
Author: Jeffrey Karel
Rev. Karel and his wife, Emily, are natives of the Grand Rapids, MI area, but now live in South-Central Washington. Jeff is Minister of Word and Sacrament at The United Reformed Church of Sunnyside (URCNA). He is a graduate of Calvin College and Westminster Seminary California, a board/tabletop game enthusiast, and a zealous slayer of varmints.
Review: Gospel-Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love Like Saints by Chad and Emily Van Dixhoorn
As a wise mentor once wryly commented, the problem with marriage books in the nineties was their overwhelmingly negative bent. In so many marriage books of yesterday, the thesis was essentially: “You horrible idiot! Why would you even consider thinking about getting . . . Continue reading →