We live in a time of political tensions and increasing polarization. In these days, when some around us through impatience or fear flirt with radical politics, Christians must keep their wits. In part 1 of this two-part series, I introduced the case . . . Continue reading →
Author: Bill Reddinger
Bill Reddinger serves as Associate Professor of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. Since 2010, he has taught courses there in American politics and the history of political philosophy. He was educated at Northern Illinois University (PhD, MA) and Grove City College (BA). He and his family are members of a PCA congregation.
Five Christian Ideas That Promote Political Moderation: Part 1
Many American Christians show an increasing affinity for radical politics. Many of these, dissatisfied with lawless excess and social decay, are more inclined to a politics of the far right, though not exclusively.1 Continue reading →