“But another reason why so many divine acts are attributed to faith is, because other exercises are included in the description of faith, which though they always accompany it, ought not to be confounded with it.
Old Princeton
A. A. Hodge's Theology of Mission (at Age 10)
Martin has it at AH.
Exacting Subscription Opposed By Latitudinarians And Heretics
A subject of this nature will engage our attention on the present occasion: namely, the importance of creeds and confessions for maintaining the unity and purity of the visible church. This is a subject which, though it properly belongs to the department . . . Continue reading →
Happy Birthday To Westminster Seminary
Samuel Miller Contra The Peculiar Institution
Pride, indeed, may contend, that these unhappy subjects of our oppression are an inferior race of beings; and are therefore assigned by the strictest justice to a depressed and servile station in society. But in what does this inferiority consist? In a . . . Continue reading →
Free Book By Warfield: Faith And Life
Anyone who would be Reformed or become Reformed or grow in their Christian faith should read B. B. Warfield (1851–1921) and there’s no better price for a book by Warfield than $0. Monergism.com is giving away a free electronic copy of a . . . Continue reading →
A. A. Hodge Contra Amyraut
11. What is the view of this subject entertained by the French Protestant theologians, Camero, Amyraut, and others? These theological professors at Saumur, during the second quarter of the seventeenth century, taught that God, 1st. Decreed to create man. 2d. To permit . . . Continue reading →
The Fork In The Road For The “New Calvinists”
Thanks to Darryl Hart for pointing us to this challenging essay by Dale Coulter, who self identifies as a “Classical Pentecostal” in the holiness tradition.1 He writes on the official blog of the Regent University School of Divinity. He favors the Edwardsean . . . Continue reading →