Audio Available Now: Is the Reformation Over?

The audio from the Central Valley Conference on Reformed Theology at Zion Reformed Church in Ripon, California is online now (below). Thanks to Pastors Kevin Efflandt and Angelo Contreras and to everyone at Zion for their hard work in preparing for the conference. They did a terrific job. Thanks also to those who attended, some from considerable distances. Planning is already underway for next year’s conference. So if you’re interested and missed this one and wanted to attend, mark your calendar now for next year.

Ps. I missed a turn and ended up on highway 58 east of Bakersfield. It was really beautiful. I hope to see it again.

Session 1: Is the Reformation Over? Yes.

Session 2: Is the Reformation Over? No.

Session 3: What’s Wrong with Jesus?

Session 4: Q & A 

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  1. Really enjoyed these lectures and your visit to us in Ripon! Thanks so much and God bless!

  2. Had to listen to it again, never expected to hear Dr. Clark say, “I could go either way on that; I’m a liberal.” Thanks for coming out again, Dr. Clark!

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