Reformation Conference At New Life PCA In La Mesa, CA

New Life Presbyterian Church of La Mesa is hosting their Reformation Conference 2022 on the theme of “The Reformation and the Christian Life”. The conference will use four figures to explore three topics that are not oft-considered outcomes of the 16th century . . . Continue reading →

D. G. Hart To Speak At NW Atlanta Reformed Conference May 21, 2022

D. G. Hart, Distinguished Associate Professor of History at Hillsdale College is the featured speaker at the second annual Northwest Atlanta Reformed Conference Saturday, May 21, 2022 (9:00–Noon) to be held at Christ Orthodox Presbyterian Church (495 Terrell Mill Rd., Marietta, GA). The . . . Continue reading →

Who Needs The Church In A Post-Christian World? Christ Reformed DC’s Spring Speaker Series

It is rare to have a United States Senator speak at a church conference. It is even more rare for the Senator to have something theologically interesting to say.  On Thursday evening, March 31, Senator Ben Sasse will speak at Christ Reformed Church . . . Continue reading →

It Is Back! The Nicotine Theological Journal Returns

One of my favorite reads, the Nicotine Theological Journal, is coming back. Produced by D. G. Hart and John Muether, the NTJ first appeared in 1997 and ended its first run in 2012. In a recent interview with Brad Isbell and Wresbyterian . . . Continue reading →

New In Print: Robert Rollock On Ephesians

Robert Rollock (1555–99) was one of the most significant Reformed theologians in Scotland in the late sixteenth century. He was an important figure in the development of Reformed covenant theology. He received Calvin’s theology and was especially influenced by Caspar Olevianus (1536–87) . . . Continue reading →

New In Print: Compendio De Teologia Crista By Johannes Wollebius

Johannes Wollebius (1589–1629) was a professor of Old Testament, theologian, and pastor in Basel. His Compendium of theology was widely used in the 17th century and even it was so well regarded that it even replaced William Ames’ Marrow in the American . . . Continue reading →

New Resource Page On The Reformation Solas

The Reformation was, at its core, the recovery of the biblical doctrine that Scripture is the only final authority (sola Scriptura) for the Christian faith and the Christian life, that salvation is by divine favor alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola . . . Continue reading →

Schaff’s Creeds of Christendom: A Most Valuable, Free, Electronic Resource

There are other collections of ecumenical creeds. There are other collections of the Reformed confessions (e.g., Reformed Confessions in the 16th and 17th Centuries). There are other surveys (e.g. Pelikan and Hotchkiss, Credo) but there is still nothing that does just what Philip . . . Continue reading →

New In Print: Faithful And Fruitful: Essays For Elders And Deacons

There are three major aspects to being Reformed: theology (doctrine), piety (our reverent approach to God), and practice (how we live out our Christian life in the visible church, at work, and at home). Of these three aspects, theology, whether biblical theology . . . Continue reading →

Recommended: URCNA Forms And Confessions

Along with the new Trinity Psalter-Hymnal (emphasis on the Psalter) produced in cooperation with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the United Reformed Churches in North America have also produced a book of liturgical forms, prayers, and confessions, namely the Three Forms of Unity: the . . . Continue reading →

It’s Here: CALVINIST—The Movie

It’s available in DVD, BluRay, and digital on-demand. My BluRay copy arrived in the mail today. It goes on sale October 2. Here’s my blurb: It has been a little more than a decade since Collin Hansen called attention to the Young, . . . Continue reading →

A New Online Resource For Bible Study

Travis Fentiman wrote to let me know about a resource site he has compiled which is built on Spurgeon’s recommended list of commentaries and upon resources such as the Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL). It is a gateway to older, online biblical commentaries. . . . Continue reading →