Heidelcast 117—Calvinist: The Movie With Les Lanphere
We are interrupting our series on covenant and baptism to talk to a special guest, Les Lanphere. He is one half of the Reformed Pubcast and co-moderator of the Reformed Pub on Facebook. He’s also a film maker and he is in . . . Continue reading →
Video: Highlights From Les’ Trip To San Diego
Calvinist: The Official Trailer (Coming Summer 2017)
Here’s it is on YouTube.
CALVINIST Trailer #2
It’s Here: CALVINIST—The Movie
It’s available in DVD, BluRay, and digital on-demand. My BluRay copy arrived in the mail today. It goes on sale October 2. Here’s my blurb: It has been a little more than a decade since Collin Hansen called attention to the Young, . . . Continue reading →