Issues Etc Returns

Dear Friend of Issues, Etc., We’re excited about the return of Issues, Etc.!  Since the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod canceled the show on March 18, we’ve been working on the show’s return.  We’re very happy to announce that Issues, Etc. will be back on the Radio and Internet starting . . . Continue reading →

The "Evangelical" QIRE

QIRC = Quest for Illegitimate Religious Experience. Ben Myers hits the nail squarely. “Where every church service becomes the opportunity for a life-changing experience of the divine presence; where every song and sermon and prayer is designed to produce immediate emotional impact; where . . . Continue reading →

RPCNA Rejects NPP and FV

HT: Bill Chellis at DRC. 1. That Synod DECLARE that we stand in solidarity with our Reformed and Presbyterian brethren in rejecting as contrary to the Scriptures as summarized by our confessional standards the theological views that are generally associated with the . . . Continue reading →