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Why Johnny Can’t Preach (1)
I am a fan of T. David Gordon. He writes well. He speaks plainly. He doesn’t mince words. With some writers it’s quite possible for five people to read them and come away with five different conclusions about what the writer is . . . Continue reading →
Why Johnny Can’t Preach (2)
Between the first post and this one I listened to the excellent interview with David at In the first chapter Gordon lays out his case that “Johnny Can’t Preach.” The first line of evidence is anecdotal. His experience (and that of . . . Continue reading →
Why Johnny Can’t Preach (3)
Part 2. The next section of the book is an analysis of one aspect of the problem: Johnny doesn’t read well. This problem has been diagnosed for many years. I see it frequently. The rise of electronic texts, which is valuable in . . . Continue reading →
Guerrilla, Gorilla, And The Idiot Greek Chorus
Eleven years ago the film Idiocracy was released. I have only seen portions. I am not a great fan of the comedy of errors. It is difficult for me to watch Seinfeld because of the George Costanza character. Jason Alexander did a . . . Continue reading →
Strong Meat From The Stacks: Lewis On Egalitarian Education
Democratic education, says Aristotle, ought to mean, not the education which democrats like, but the education which will preserve democracy. Until we have realized that the two things do not necessarily go together we cannot think clearly about education. For example, an . . . Continue reading →