Part 2. The next section of the book is an analysis of one aspect of the problem: Johnny doesn’t read well. This problem has been diagnosed for many years. I see it frequently. The rise of electronic texts, which is valuable in . . . Continue reading →
Why Johnny Can’t Preach
Why Johnny Can’t Preach (4)
Part 3. Another reason Johnny can’t preach is because Johnny can’t write. To make this point Gordon begins with an important survey of the way technological changes have affected communication. We take printed texts for granted. We blithely tell people to “read . . . Continue reading →
Why Johnny Can't Preach (5)
Part 4 So far Gordon has focused on the form of preaching. In chapter 4 he turns to questions of content. He says, “…in addition to the cultural matters that have concerned me throughout, I also believe that preaching today almost entirely . . . Continue reading →