Graphic Calvin

I get books in my mailbox regularly and it’s usually because someone wants me to say something about it on the HB. Today I received this in my mailbox and thought that you would want to know about it. It’s an illustrated life of . . . Continue reading →

Why Did Arminianism “Win”?

Sometime back Howard wrote to ask, “How and when did Arminianism become the predominate view?” That’s a good question. First, we should distinguish between Jacob Arminius (James Hermanzoon) and the Arminians (or the Remonstrants). Relative to the conclusions Arminian/Remonstrant theology later reached, Arminius . . . Continue reading →

“Calvinism” Is Hip Again (Again)

Just when one might have thought that the Young, Restless, and Reformed movement(s) might be waning—they aren’t getting any younger—comes a piece in last Friday’s New York Times by Mark Oppenheimer on the Calvinist revival among evangelicals. Of course it begins with TULIP . . . Continue reading →

Office Hours: Darryl Hart On The Global History Of Calvinism

This past summer Yale University Press released Darryl Hart’s Calvinism: A History. Darryl is Adjunct Professor of Church History at WSC, where he served as Academic Dean from 2000–03. He is Visiting Professor of History at Hillsdale College. This is a significant . . . Continue reading →

Eating Sausages: Wall Street Journal Reviews Hart

Barton Swaim has a substantial and positive review of the latest from Westminster Seminary California’s own D. G. Hart in Today’s Wall Street Journal. It won’t be available online for a few days but if you can’t wait and you don’t subscribe . . . Continue reading →

On Calvin’s Birthday: The Biography Channel Is Wrong (Updated)

Today is John Calvin’s birthday. He was born in 1509, in Noyon. In his honor let us watch a video and discuss it. [Editor’s Note: In 2013 someone posted a video featuring the American church historian Martin Marty discussing John Calvin. That . . . Continue reading →

The Social Crisis is Too Great to Be Arguing About… (Updated)

The various social crises facing the West are great but the Roman empire was already in crisis when God the Holy Spirit empowered Christ’s apostles to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Rome fell. The gospel and Christ’s church continued. Another empire, Christendom, replaced the old Roman Empire but it fell too. The kingdom of God, as manifested chiefly in this world in the visible, institutional church, continued. Social crises are important but they aren’t more important than the gospel. Seeing that is a key difference between actually being Reformed and being just another social conservative with a passing interest in the Reformation (as it suits whatever social agenda is in view). Continue reading →

Godfrey to Speak in DC Nov 12, 2009: Does Calvin Still Matter?

It’s not unusual for a president to be in the capital, but our very own President (of Westminster Seminary California) W. Robert Godfrey is to speak in Washington DC this week, November 12, 7:00 PM on the topic, “Does He Still Matter?” . . . Continue reading →

Even on His Birthday…

There is a generally fair piece on the resurgence of interest in Calvin and in aspects of his theology among evangelicals by Daniel Burke of the Religious News Service. It is better than most pieces as Burke took the time to interview . . . Continue reading →