Ryan at Sola Gratia raises questions that many first-semester seminary students ask. In essence the question/problem is this: Before I came to seminary I had an active devotional life and a vital, immediate, experience of God and now things have changed. I . . . Continue reading →
spiritual growth
Hodge On The Care And Feeding Of The New Life
It is natural that those who have experienced the agitations which frequently attend upon conversion, and have felt the peace which flows from a hope of acceptance with God, to imagine that the conflict is over, the victory won, and the work . . . Continue reading →
Hodge On Nourishing New Life In Christ
It is natural that those who have experienced the agitations which frequently attend upon conversion, and have felt the peace which flows from a hope of acceptance with God, to imagine that the conflict is over, the victory won, and the work . . . Continue reading →
Hodge Vs. Reader Reception On Confessional Subscription
The candidate has no right to put his own sense upon the words propounded to him. He has no right to select from all possible meanings which the words may bear, that particular sense which suits his purpose, or which, he thinks, . . . Continue reading →
Hodge: The Same Gracious God Who Wills The End Also Wills The Free Offer Of The Gospel
Paul considered it as involved in what he had already said, and especially in the predictions of the ancient prophets, that it was the will of God that all men should call upon him. This being the case, he argues to prove . . . Continue reading →