A Review of Caspar Olevian and the Substance of the Covenant- Updated

Here’s a talk on Olevianus that I gave at Christ Reformed (URC) Anaheim. At Green Baggins. I’m glad that Lane took the time to read the book and that he found it helpful. He asks some important questions. By way of preface, . . . Continue reading →

They Aren't Really Addressing the Issue Yet-updated

Lee surveys some responses to this discussion about how Reformed folk should relate to contemporary evangelicalism. None of these responses really gets to the issue of definition. There’s a great body of secondary lit (and this list is very selective and omits some . . . Continue reading →

Lutheran or Reformed? You Make the Call!

This is why so much depends on the benefit of justification, and it is rightly denominated the article on which the church either stands or falls. For the fundamental question that arises in this connection is this: What is the way that . . . Continue reading →

Are Reformed "Evangelical" or "Evangelicals"?

Lee Irons raises the question of the relations between Reformed Christians and American evangelicals.  Much of this discussion comes down to definitions and I don’t recall that Lee offered a definition. In the immortal words of President Nixon, ” let me say . . . Continue reading →

Abraham, Moses, and Baptism

I’m in the midst of an interesting discussion of baptism with a friend, who has Baptist convictions but who understands Reformed theology better than many Reformed folks. He is quite sympathetic to historic and confessional Reformed theology. For example, he affirms that . . . Continue reading →

Re-Publication of the Covenant of Works (3)

Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. It may be that you do not read the comments section. That’s probably wise. Here are some revised and expanded responses to some questions/objections 1. The doctrine of the republication of the covenant of . . . Continue reading →