Speaking in tongues, that is. G. Vos noted almost a century ago that ecstatic religious speech is not a uniquely Christian phenomenon. Here an AOG writer recognizes the same thing. (HT: Daily Scroll) What does it mean? It means that glossolalia is . . . Continue reading →
Gary Johnson Reviews "The Shack"
Gary Johnson is pastor of Church of the Redeemer in Mesa, AZ. He has been pastor to one of our current students and is a thoughtful scholar of American Christianity and vigorous advocate of the Reformed faith. This review is part of . . . Continue reading →
Rome, Pentecostals, and Credulity
One of the creepier aspects of both Romanist and Pentecostalist piety is their virtually indistinguishable credulity about alleged “miracles.” I use the pejorative adjective intentionally because, at bottom, despite the formal differences between them, both are peddling magic and superstition and that’s . . . Continue reading →
Sister Aimee Lives!
Cal Thomas has a column in the October 12 issue of WORLD magazine on one of the more important figures in the history modern American Christianity, Sister Aimee Semple McPherson. Thomas writes, Aimee was more famous than any TV evangelist today. She . . . Continue reading →
Once More: Reformed and Charismatic?
A Response to Pastor Koleoso and DGM
Our friends at DGM have done it again. This time it’s a lecture by Tope Koleoso that has folks discussing the question of the relations between the charismatic movement(s) and Reformed theology, piety, and practice. This topic was covered on the HB . . . Continue reading →
Less A Problem of What the Spirit is Doing and More a Problem of What We Say
Part 1
Since the early 19th century American Christianity has been largely dominated by a revival of the original Anabaptist theology, piety, and practice. One can transpose much of what took place in the 19th century over the fist generation Anabaptists (1520s) and it . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: World Traveler Takes Students On A Trip
Charles Telfer, Westminster’s soft-spoken language prof, is widely traveled both geographically and theologically. He began his spiritual journey as in the American mainline. From there, like a lot of other people, he moved on to Buddhism and thence to neo-Pentecostalism and finally arriving . . . Continue reading →
Reformed And Pentecostal?
In view of the controversy over the recent Strange Fire conference up the road, it seemed like a good time to re-post this HB classic from 2008. § James K. A. Smith has an interesting post at Christianity Today, Teaching a Calvinist to Dance. . . . Continue reading →
Heidelberg 51: The Glory Of A King Distant And Near
Difficult as it may be for those who live within “the Beltway” (as if there is only one city in the world with a beltway) to imagine, many Americans have never visited the American capitol. For many Americans the capitol is distant . . . Continue reading →
What Luther Meant And Didn’t Mean About The Holy Spirit Preaching
Luther wrote a little booklet entitled “A Simple Way to Pray” and Keller makes extensive use of it. Near the end of chapter 6, he mentions that Luther taught that one should always be alert and ready to hear the preaching of . . . Continue reading →
The Author Of The Belgic Confession On 16th-Century Pentecostalism
There be some who have daily some new command from God, to make known unto their brothers and strangers. Some are rapt into an ecstasy and have their appearance and countenance changed, lying upon the ground certain hours. Some tremble and quake . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: Bob Godfrey On The Holy Spirit In The Ecumenical Creeds
With this episode we begin season 7 of Office Hours and our theme is “The Holy Spirit: Lord and Giver of Life.” That phrase, “Lord and Giver of Life” was included in the Nicene Creed at Constantinople in 381. It is a . . . Continue reading →
Pentecostalism Is Not New
Montanism was a second-century movement whose leader Montanus claimed to receive direct revelation from God. In addition, two of his “prophetesses,” Priscilla and Maximilla also claimed to receive such revelation. Such revelations were often accompanied by strange behavior. When Montanus had these . . . Continue reading →
What The Spirit Is Doing Or What We Are Saying? Distinguishing Reformed And Pentecostal Piety
What happens is that contemporary evangelical and charismatic folk describe ordinary phenomena in extraordinary, apostolic terms. They identify non-apostolic phenomena as apostolic. That is cheating but it is rhetorically powerful and persuasive. Many evangelicals do not want to live in the post-canonical, in between time. It is a drag. People want a power religion. Judged against the neo-Pentecostal and charismatic claims, Reformed Christianity seems decidedly weak and powerless (see all of 2 Corinthians). Continue reading →
I Have Not Seen Miracles Here: Between Pentecost And The Parousia
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were . . . Continue reading →
Resources On Continuing Revelation
Since the Second Great Awakening, in the 19th century, modern evangelical theology, piety, and practice has come to be dominated by various species of what are really expressions of the original Anabaptist theology, piety, and practice in the sixteenth century. They were . . . Continue reading →
On Still Small Voices And Allegories
One of the first things I learned when I became an evangelical Christian in 1976, the year America elected a self-proclaimed “Born Again” Christian (Jimmy Carter), was that every Christian should expect to hear a “still small voice” from God. I learned . . . Continue reading →
Why This Reformed Christian Will Not Be Charismatic In 2018
Tim Challies has published a list of predictions for the “New Calvinist Movement” for 2018. It has understandably provoked discussion. He writes, In 2018 we will begin to see wider practice of the sign gifts among those who hold to Reformed theology . . . Continue reading →
Did Calvin’s Theology, Piety, and Practice Need To Be Rounded Out With Müntzer’s?
Thomas Müntzer (c. 1489–1525) was a university-trained pastor and theologian. Martin Luther recommended him to be the pastor of St Catharine’s Church in Zwickau (117 km south of Leipzig). There he came into contact with three fiery souls, Nicholas Storch (c. 1500–25), Thomas . . . Continue reading →
Was Agabus Wrong? Or Why Sola Scriptura Is Still Right
In Acts 21 we read a somewhat startling episode involving a New Testament prophet named Agabus: This is the same Agabus of whom we read earlier in Acts: Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. And one of . . . Continue reading →