Speaking in tongues, that is. G. Vos noted almost a century ago that ecstatic religious speech is not a uniquely Christian phenomenon. Here an AOG writer recognizes the same thing. (HT: Daily Scroll) What does it mean? It means that glossolalia is . . . Continue reading →
What The Spirit Is Doing Or What We Are Saying? Distinguishing Reformed And Pentecostal Piety
What happens is that contemporary evangelical and charismatic folk describe ordinary phenomena in extraordinary, apostolic terms. They identify non-apostolic phenomena as apostolic. That is cheating but it is rhetorically powerful and persuasive. Many evangelicals do not want to live in the post-canonical, in between time. It is a drag. People want a power religion. Judged against the neo-Pentecostal and charismatic claims, Reformed Christianity seems decidedly weak and powerless (see all of 2 Corinthians). Continue reading →
Heidelcast For Feb 11, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (1)
In this episode Dr Clark begins a new series exploring the history of, the biblical teaching about, theology, piety, and practice of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For Feb 18, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (2)
In this episode Dr Clark begins discusses the question of the source of the modern Pentecostal movement. Did it begin in the second century? Were all the ancient Christians “charismatic”? Continue reading →
Heidelcast For Feb 25, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (3)
In this episode Dr Clark discusses the major Pentecostal movement in the second century, the Montanists. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For March 3, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (4)
In this episode Dr Clark discusses some more patristic texts regarding continuing charismata in the second century, medieval examples of continuing revelation and the Pentecostal wing of the early Anabaptist movements and some early Reformed responses, which complicate Pentecostal and charismatic claims. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For March 10, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (5)
In this episode Dr Clark discusses Calvin’s response to the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements of his day. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For March 17, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (6)
In this episode Dr Clark looks at what the Reformed churches confess about continuing revelation. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For March 31, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (7)
In this episode Dr Clark looks at what the Reformed churches confess about the doctrine of illumination. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For April 7, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (8)
In this episode Dr Clark interacts with a prominent Baptist Christian Nationalist and reviews a significant volume on the theology and practice of some of the Westminster Divines concerning continuing revelation. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For April 14, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (9)
In this episode Dr Clark begins the second section of the series as the turns to Scripture and begins to make the case for the uniqueness of special revelation and what Scripture means by “signs and wonders.” The opening audio comes from Chad Vegas’ Den Dulk lecture on leading a congregation to Reformed theology, piety, and practice. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For April 21, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (10)
In this episode Dr Clark looks at what the Bible says about prophets, beginning with the pattern established by God in Deuteronomy 18. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For April 28, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (11)
In this episode Dr Clark looks at what the gospel of Matthew teaches us about how our Lord himself and Matthew interpreted the Old Testament prophets and what that teaches us about the nature of prophecy. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For May 5, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (12)
In this episode Dr Clark considers the uniqueness of the Pentecost events in Acts. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For May 12, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (13)
In this episode Dr Clark interacts with a newspaper article from Dordt University. The opening audio comes from an episode of White Horse Inn. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For May 19, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (14)
In this episode Dr Clark begins looking as the book of Acts and explains what is meant by saying, “you and I are not canonical actors.” Continue reading →
Heidelcast For May 26, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (15)
In this episode Dr Clark discusses the nature & grace distinction and how it adds to the conversation of our current series. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For June 2, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (16)
In this episode Dr Clark begins an introduction to the book of 1 Corintians to help us understand the background and the situation into which Paul is writing to the Corintian congregation. The opening audio is Dr. W. Robert Godfrey. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For June 9, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (17)
In this episode Dr Clark continues in the book of 1 Corinthians, discussing chapter 12. Dr Clark shows us that Paul is writing to unite the body in Corinth because divisions were forming in the congregation due to spiritual immaturity and those divisions were being capitalized on by the hyper-apostles. Continue reading →
Heidelcast For June 16, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (18)
In this episode Dr Clark concludes his looking at 1 Corinthians chapter 12. He discusses the nature of the body of Christ as one body with many parts; there are no “haves” or “have nots” in the body of Christ, only “haves.” The opening audio is Dr Clark’s main point of his discussion of chapter 12. Continue reading →