The Three Forms of Unity are now in Swahili. The third of the forms, the Canons of the Synod of Dort are now translated into Swahili. Continue reading →
Global Reformed Theology
Teaching The Heidelberg Catechism In The Democratic Republic Of The Congo
The Heidelberg Catechism In Swahili
Two Kenyan pastors, both ministering in Three Forms of Unity churches, have just completed this new translation of the Heidelberg Catechism into Swahili. Our federation of churches has 10 congregations in it, mostly from some of the poorest and most neglected tribes. . . . Continue reading →
Discovering The Reformed Confession Across The Globe
The HB receives email and comments from across the globe on a regular basis. Two comments came in yesterday that were particularly poignant. Continue reading
Confessional Reformed Pastor Faces Arrest For The Sake Of The Gospel
A 1998 graduate of Westminster Seminary California, Turkish-born Fikret Böcek moved back to his country in 2001 to plant a confessional Reformed church in Izmir – the ancient Smyrna, the persecuted city of Revelation 2:8–11, where bishop Polycarp famously died for his . . . Continue reading →
Reformed Christians Martyred In Nigeria
“The herdsmen destroyed more than 60 houses in our village, and three members of my community were also killed during the attack,” Terwase said by phone. “At Tse-Ali village, more than 70 houses were set ablaze and 21 Christians killed. All affected . . . Continue reading →
Fulfilling The Great Commission In Cape Town
Guest post by the Rev. Simon Jooste, church planting pastor in Cape Town, South Africa. Reformed Church Southern Suburbs (RCSS) began as a Bible study of Reformed Church Bellville (RCB) in April 2012 with Rev. Jooste and his family in Rondebosch, Cape . . . Continue reading →
Office Hours: What’s Up Down Under?
For Americans, where the Reformed theology, piety, and practice is a fraction of the number of Christians, it is easy to overlook the presence of the Reformed faith in other parts of the world. There are Reformed Christians and churches across the . . . Continue reading →
Taking The Reformation Back To Poland
Tolle Lege Institute is helping to bring the Reformation back to Poland, where the Reformed churches once flourished.
Office Hours: David Zadok On Reaching Israelis With The Gospel
In Romans chapters 9–11 the Apostle Paul addresses the difficult question of whether the Lord has abandoned his promises to the Jews. Paul concludes that God has not abandoned his promises. He appeals to himself as an example, even though he was . . . Continue reading →
How You Can Help Victims Of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolinda (Updated Again)
UPDATE Mon Nov 11, 2013. The reported numbers of injured and dead are much greater today than Saturday. See below for more information on how to help and whom to contact. § UPDATE #1 The NYT is now reporting that the Red Cross . . . Continue reading →
There Are Presbyterians in England and They’re Having a Conference
Confessional Presbyterianism hasn’t fared well in England since the 17th century. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there has been a small but growing group of confessional Presbyterians in England since 1986, when the (then) Presbyterian Association of England . . . Continue reading →
Critique of Driscoll and YRR Movement Now in Portuguese
Thanks to Alan Rennê for making a translation of the HB post: “Calvinism Old and New.”