The Heidelberg Catechism In Swahili

Two Kenyan pastors, both ministering in Three Forms of Unity churches, have just completed this new translation of the Heidelberg Catechism into Swahili. Our federation of churches has 10 congregations in it, mostly from some of the poorest and most neglected tribes. . . . Continue reading →

Fulfilling The Great Commission In Cape Town

Guest post by the Rev. Simon Jooste, church planting pastor in Cape Town, South Africa. Reformed Church Southern Suburbs (RCSS) began as a Bible study of Reformed Church Bellville (RCB) in April 2012 with Rev. Jooste and his family in Rondebosch, Cape . . . Continue reading →

How You Can Help Victims Of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolinda (Updated Again)

UPDATE Mon Nov 11, 2013. The reported numbers of injured and dead are much greater today than Saturday. See below for more information on how to help and whom to contact. § UPDATE #1 The NYT is now reporting that the Red Cross . . . Continue reading →

There Are Presbyterians in England and They’re Having a Conference

Confessional Presbyterianism hasn’t fared well in England since the 17th century. That’s the bad news. The good news is that there has been a small but growing group of confessional Presbyterians in England since 1986, when the (then) Presbyterian Association of England . . . Continue reading →