1689 Vs. The Westminster Confession (9): Of Free Will

Our comparison and contrast of the WCF with the 2LC continues through chapter 9, “Of Free Will.” A word of explanation about this language is in order. In 2022, when we hear or read the phrase “free will,” we might be tempted to . . . Continue reading →

Richard Muller—Jonathan Edwards And The Absence Of Free Choice: A Parting Of Ways In The Reformed Tradition

Lost Audio Recovered

Richard Muller’s lost lecture on Jonathan Edwards’ doctrine of free choice. Continue reading →

New Resource Page: On Abortion

The sixth commandment of God’s holy moral law says, “You shall not murder.” Christians have always understood this to prohibit abortion, i.e., the unjust taking of a human life in utero. The Didache (c. AD 114), an early Christian document testifying to . . . Continue reading →

On Dying And Passing Away

Though it is true that the figure “to pass away” is used in Scripture for death the expression “to die is used more than 10 times more frequently. In the ESV the verb “to die” is used 583 times. Americans have reversed the ratio. We are much more likely now to use the figure “to pass away” than to use the unequivocal, plain expression “she died.” Continue reading →

Why Christians Need A Christian Doctrine Of Humanity

One neglected aspect of the story of Modernity has been the loss of a Christian anthropology. Along with its exile of God, Modernity has also been busily re-defining humanity with unhappy consequences. Through two world wars, abortion, genocides, “eugenics,” Communist purges, etc. . . . Continue reading →