Justin has the interview.
The Return of Eugenics
In 7 July interview published in the NY Times, Justice Ginsburg makes a stunning admission: JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid . . . Continue reading →
Truth and Consequences: The Politics of Abortion
URCNA Pastor, the Rev Dr Brian Lee, a WSC grad, has another stimulating OpEd piece in today’s Daily Caller. “The course of my life roughly coincides with the post-Roe v. Wade abortion debate in America. The Supreme Court decision was issued on . . . Continue reading →
Sometimes “Nazis” Really Are Nazis
In the modern culture wars (Kulturkampf) the accusation is frequently made that one side or the other is guilty of “Nazi tractics” or “Nazi ideology.” This charge is made with such frequency that it is bound to lose its force. One reaction . . . Continue reading →
Kass: Children Are Not Merely A Product Of The Will
Consider abortion. After years of calling for abortions that are “safe, legal and rare,” the Democratic Party in its 2012 platform dropped such language altogether in an attempt to appeal to its feminist base. But viewing childbearing solely as a matter of . . . Continue reading →
Killing Infant Humans Is A Crime
Kermit Gosnell has been convicted of the murder of three infant human beings. If you haven’t been following this story, Gosnell, according to Reuters, was “accused of delivering live babies during late-term abortions and then deliberately severing their spinal cords.” The jury . . . Continue reading →
The Social Consequences Of Subjectivism
Well, in my heart and my mind, you know, life begins when the mother thinks it begins, not when anybody else thinks it begins…. For some women, it’s before they conceive; for some women, it’s never. Even after they deliver, it’s still . . . Continue reading →
“Well, What Do You Consider A Baby?”
In this video, an Albuquerque abortionist compares having an abortion to getting a flu shot. The counselor denies that the infant feels any pain and says that an infant 24-weeks “doesn’t even look like a baby yet.” That is a lie. The . . . Continue reading →
The USA, North Korea, And China
Today, the United States is one of only four nations in the world that allows for abortion on demand at any time during pregnancy. We’re in the company of those great paragons of moral virtue and human rights, North Korea and China. . . . Continue reading →
56,662,169 Babies
56,662,169 Babies .
2009: No Federal Dollars For Abortion
(HT: Daily Signal)
Office Hours: Prudence In Politics And the Sanctity Of Human Life
In 1968 American culture was roiled by a long, increasingly unpopular war in Southeast Asia. It was rocked by massive anti-war protests, the hippie movement, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. It was shocked by the assassination of two leading American figures, . . . Continue reading →
A Statement Remarkable For Its Moral Clarity
Heidelcast 86: You Shall Not Murder—God’s Holy Law (9)
In this episode we consider the sixth commandment: “You shall not murder.” You may have learned this commandment a little differently. Some translations, e.g., the Authorized or King James Version (1611) translate Exodus 20:13 as, “You shall not kill.” The Hebrew verb . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 87: God’s Holy Law (10)—You Shall Not Murder (pt 2)
After the last episode it occurred to me that there is an obvious question that I should have addressed under the 6th commandment: abortion, the termination of a human life in the womb. Since 1973 no fewer than 50 million human beings . . . Continue reading →
The Didache Calls Abortion Murder
You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion . . . Continue reading →
Reconsidering Margaret Sanger In Christianity Today?
Where Is Carl Henry When We Need Him?
Margaret Sanger, 1879–1966 Continue reading →
Hume: Pulling Back The Veil
“Research” Is Just A Cover
Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing. If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught. —Savita Ginde, MD, . . . Continue reading →