On Feb. 6, Lila Rose, founder of Live Action and one of the most articulate pro-life advocates in the public square, spoke in chapel at Westmont College, an evangelical liberal arts university in Santa Barbara, Calif. Surprisingly, out of the roughly 1200 . . . Continue reading →
Federal District Court Orders Airline To Return Job To Flight Attendant Fired For Her Pro-Life Views
A federal court has ordered Southwest Airlines and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) to give former flight attendant Charlene Carter her job back after she was allegedly fired over her stance on abortion. As CBN News reported in July, after a five-year . . . Continue reading →
When Our Bodies Belong To God
A fetus in a woman’s body is not like a kidney or other organ that has always been part of her. Her well-being does not depend on the fetus. She can live with the fetus or without it. The fetus is something . . . Continue reading →
Addicted To Autonomy
In Western history, as in Scripture, it never goes well when man defies God—as Adam, Cain, Pharaoh, Achan, Uzzah, the boys at Bethel (2 Kings 2:23), Judas, or Ananias and Sapphira. Yet, in Modernity, the West has defied God for centuries. Continue reading →
Will Abortion Test Americans’ Religious Fidelity?
The Dobbs decision has revealed fault lines in American Christianity. These fault lines lay just below the surface for a long while, but are now clearly exposed. As long as abortion was legal by Supreme Court decree, it was possible to identify . . . Continue reading →
Law, Gospel, Abortion, And Adoption
The morning of June 25, 2022 was a morning unlike any I had ever experienced. On that morning, like everyone reading this article, I awoke to a post-Roe v. Wade-America. Born the same year as the original Roe decision, I had never . . . Continue reading →
Identity After Abortion
I was 16 when I had my abortion, and in that moment, it felt like my identity was permanently altered. Convinced no one could truly know me if they didn’t know my shameful past, I became a reckless oversharer. New friends, first . . . Continue reading →
Post-Christian Sex
There is a remarkable article on Insider.com which features a series of comments from young people who belong to “Generation Z.” Sometimes described as “Zoomers,” GenZ are those who were born after 1996. The article purports to reflect the fears of Generation . . . Continue reading →
Corporate America’s Abortion Incentive
A week before Newsom announced the tax-breaks-for-vacuumed-wombs scheme, Tesla rolled out all-expenses-paid abortion tourism as its latest employee perk. The luxury vehicle maker, fresh from relocating to Texas, assured the public and prospective workers that it would dig into its well-capitalized coffers . . . Continue reading →
The End Of Roe, Doe, And Casey
The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives. Pp. 8–79. …(a) The critical question is whether the Constitution, properly understood, confers . . . Continue reading →
Molech Then And Now
The Ancient Near Eastern culture described in the Old Testament and in which the Old Testament scriptures were given can sometimes seem foreign to our postmodern world. There are, however, some striking points of contact. One of these is the cult of . . . Continue reading →
Trueman: Abortion Is Desecration
Abortion is desecration. That is why it raises such passionate emotions on both sides of the debate. Sex and conception create new life and that means they possess—or should possess—a mysterious aura of the sacred. Attitudes about them therefore go to the . . . Continue reading →
Against Berenson: Why Abortion Should Not Be Legal
The classic Reformed theologians distinguished between three uses of the moral law (e.g., the Ten Commandments): 1) the pedagogical use, whereby sinners come to know the greatness of their sin and misery; 2) the civil use, whereby the moral law—traditionally both tables . . . Continue reading →
Pregnant, Scared, Confused? There Is Help
If you are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or if you know someone who is, here are links to agencies that can help. They will not judge you but they will help you. You aren’t alone. Option Line Care Net Find a . . . Continue reading →
Alito: Roe And Casey Must Be Overturned
We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the due . . . Continue reading →
In Case You Doubt The Pauline-Augustinian Doctrine Of Human Corruption
It Is Possible To Sear Ones Conscience
I feel that abortion involves taking a human life… Having decided that taking a life by abortion is sometimes the lesser evil,
Let Us Pray
The Supreme Court of the United States has just finished hearing arguments in Dobbs v Women’s Health. Continue reading
Dark Truths About Pagan America
Gruesome Experiments Funded By Tax Dollars Through NAID
Daleiden explained how, in grant applications to receive NIH funding, the University of Pittsburgh essentially advertised their facilities as the best location for the GUDMAP aborted fetal kidney harvesting program. Pitt described how aborted babies are still alive at the time their . . . Continue reading →
Why Did They Not Want You To Know This?
An employee of Big Pharma explains what she learned about how the vaccine was developed. Continue reading →
Were Evangelicals And Some Reformed Folk A Little Fuzzy On Abortion Just Before Roe v Wade? Yes. So What?
The narrative is simple: American Evangelicals never were pro-life and were in fact quite pro-choice until, losing their apparent battle in favor of segregation, they decided (for reasons never fully explained) to turn against abortion in their presumed quest for political power. . . . Continue reading →