The Necessity Of Comfort Americans know in their heart of hearts they are going to die but they do not like to admit it. It is a mark of our post-Christianity that this culture is so obsessed with youth and beauty. Most . . . Continue reading →
What is Your Only Comfort? (2)
The Heidelberg Catechism, building on the breakthrough of the first stage of the Reformation, is organized in three parts. Remarkably, as basic an insight as this is, it continues to elude nearly all evangelicals and many ostensibly Reformed folk. This should not . . . Continue reading →
The Return of Eugenics
In 7 July interview published in the NY Times, Justice Ginsburg makes a stunning admission: JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid . . . Continue reading →
Ventilator Blues
Most folk probably associate the Rolling Stones more with “Sympathy for the Devil,” than with historic Christianity, and few of us would expect to learn any theology from them but I noticed recently that in “Ventilator Blues” Mick and the lads hit . . . Continue reading →
Human Beings Conceive and Give Birth to Human Beings
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image (Gen 9:6; ESV). I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it . . . Continue reading →
Kass: Children Are Not Merely A Product Of The Will
Consider abortion. After years of calling for abortions that are “safe, legal and rare,” the Democratic Party in its 2012 platform dropped such language altogether in an attempt to appeal to its feminist base. But viewing childbearing solely as a matter of . . . Continue reading →
2009: No Federal Dollars For Abortion
(HT: Daily Signal)
Heidelberg 105–107: You Shall Not Murder (2)
Imagine four American states utterly vacant. Since 1973 Americans have killed as many people as were killed during World War II. Continue reading →
Your Tax Dollars Are Still Being Used To Abort Legally Innocent Humans
Whether you’re a painter, pastor, lawyer, or laborer (pro-life or pro-abortion), you work for Planned Parenthood. A portion of every paycheck goes to the world’s leading abortion business through the federal and state taxes allocated by your elected representatives and the unelected . . . Continue reading →