Human Beings Conceive and Give Birth to Human Beings

Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed,
for God made man in his own image (Gen 9:6; ESV).

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well (Ps 139:14; ESV).

(HT: The Blaze)

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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