Are God’s Demands Always Gracious? (Updated)

David Robertson is pastor in the Free Church of Scotland. He has a blog and recently he reviewed Tullian Tchividjian’s latest book, One Way Love. There has been some back and forth and most recently Robertson has written an Open Letter. In . . . Continue reading →

The Heidelcast

Episode #1: BBQ and the KOG (2009). Episode #2: A Gentle Rebuke to Brother John (Part 1) Episode #3: A Gentle Rebuke to Brother John (Part 2) Episode #4: What is Comfort? (2009) Episode #5: What Does “World” Mean in John 3:16? . . . Continue reading →

Feathers And All (Or Why The Scriptures Are Enough)

Table Of Contents Podcasts Resources Select Bibliography Podcasts (links are live when published) Heidelcast For Feb 11, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (1) Heidelcast For Feb 18, 2024: “Feathers And All:” The Scriptures Are Enough (2) Heidelcast For Feb . . . Continue reading →

The Problem of the Minimalist Definition of “Reformed”

An essay on being Reformed was brought to my attention (the essay is no longer published on the original source) many years ago now.  It is an interesting piece because it represents a widely held position among Evangelicals and the broader Reformed . . . Continue reading →

The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 14

No chapter in this volume, so far, relies on MacArthur’s debt to Dispensationalism more than chapter 11, where he addresses the parable of the soils in Matthew 13. The Problem Of Dispensationalism He begins by recalling our Lord’s words, which he addressed . . . Continue reading →

The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 13

Many years ago, at an ecclesiastical meeting, there was a worship service. The minister preaching was retired but something of a hero in the denomination. He and others had stood for the truth when many others had taken an easier and more . . . Continue reading →

The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 10

The overarching theme of this series has been that the Lordship Salvation doctrine confuses the law and the gospel.95  Nowhere is that confusion more evident than in his handling of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16–22: And behold, a man came . . . Continue reading →

The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 9

Because it seems that advocates of the Dispensational Lordship doctrine suspect anyone who critiques them of latent antinomianism, let me say here that I agree entirely with MacArthur when he writes, “and any ‘salvation’ that does not alter a lifestyle of sin . . . Continue reading →

How Calvin’s Twofold Kingdom Distinction Could Have Prevented ECT

Indeed, given Calvin’s distinction between two spheres of God’s kingdom, we need not agree with Mormons on theological questions in order to cooperate with them socially. We may even cooperate with Muslims, Hindus, and agnostics (e.g., the late Nat Hentoff 1925–2017, who became an outspoken critic of abortion on demand) who share certain basic convictions about civil life. To cooperate, we need only agree that there exists certain fixed, embedded laws in creation. Continue reading →

The Gospel According To John (MacArthur)—Part 2

Before we dive into the preface of GAJ, we should shore up two points from the first installment: 1) The Modernity of Dispensationalism; and 2) The fundamental nature of the distinction between law and gospel. Dispensationalism: A Modern Paradigm Dispensationalism is a Modern . . . Continue reading →