With no reference to our gracious Genevese hosts for the last 8 days I thought it would be fun to bring my experience of the 2009 Calvinpalooza to a close with a few more mundane observations. You know, of course, that Calvin . . . Continue reading →
Calvin500 Schedule, St Pierre Cathedral 5-10 July 09
The Calvin 500 planning committee has released the following revised schedule:
Even on His Birthday…
There is a generally fair piece on the resurgence of interest in Calvin and in aspects of his theology among evangelicals by Daniel Burke of the Religious News Service. It is better than most pieces as Burke took the time to interview . . . Continue reading →
Special June Issue of MR: Calvin at 500, Does He Still Matter?
The Calvinpalooza heads into the home stretch this summer. Modern Reformation has a special issue out this month focusing on you-know-whom. Mike has the lead essay. Excellent. There’s an appendix surveying the history of Calvin’s bad press. Dennis Tamburello (a Roman scholar) . . . Continue reading →
Hart on Calvin and the Land of Chocolate
At Front Porch Republic.
Call for Papers by Young Scholars
It’s depressing that I don’t qualify (45 and under) but you might. Details here.
Cost Dropping for Flights to Geneva (for Calvin500)
One upside of the economic downturn.
It's Not Too Late to Sign Up for the Calvin500 Conference (only)
If you want to attend only the conference there is info on the Calvin500 blog.
Video: Selderhuis on Calvin
Last month Herman Selderhuis was in Orlando giving lectures on Calvin at RTS. You can see the video here. Thanks to LO for the video.
Calvin's Legacy mp3s Available for Download
They’re just $2.00 per address at The Bookstore at WSC.
"Calvin's Legacy Conference" MP3s Now Available for Download
At the Bookstore at WSC. Each Lecture is only $2.00 and the entire set is only $14.00. You can also pre-order CD’s from the bookstore.
Eat This Book (Really)
This bit of Calvinpalooza takes the cake. The follow up to this volume might be the Insulin of the Christian Religion (HT: Justin Taylor).
Calvin and the Reform of Worship
I had a “perfect” outline: 7 points. Trouble is, I got through only 3 of them. I didn’t do much better in the Adult Class yesterday morning at Oceanside URC! For what it’s worth, here is the outline from the conference:
A Really Great Conference
So says Jim Renihan. The audio from the conference hasn’t been posted yet, but you will be able download it from the Bookstore at WSC.
Calvin's Legacy Conference Posts and Photos
The official conference blog posts are on the WSC site. You can also see all the photos at the official WSC Facebook page. Audio is available from the Bookstore at WSC. The conference was a lot of fun. Had lunch with a roomful . . . Continue reading →
WSC Calvin Conference: Live-Blogging Calvin's Legacy
Thanks to whomever for the cool artwork (Justin or Tim?). How did he do that? The blog goes live at 6PM Fri night. I’ll be posting links here but you can also subscribe via RSS.
Sinclair Ferguson is Blogging the Institutes
At Ref21
Live Blogging Calvin's Legacy
At this writing the “Calvin’s Legacy” conference is 8 days, 2 hours and some away. If you can’t make it to this year’s conference (and we’re very close to being sold out so, if you’re planning to register, act quickly) you can . . . Continue reading →
Calvin Audio Links
Including Bob Godfrey, who, as a boy, remembers hearing Calvin preach. Thanks to Martin for gathering these together.
Recommended Calvin-Related Titles
This list is not intended to be exhaustive, only suggestive: Bio: T. H. L. Parker, John Calvin: A Biography. This is still the standard bio. Several others have appeared since and I suppose more than one will appear in ’09 but this . . . Continue reading →