What’s Your Super Secret Decoder Ring?

The Lure of the QIRC

In the 1950s, children listened to radio serials, weekly episodes of superman or other heroes. As part of these programs incentives to listen, such as a super-secret decoder ring, were offered. In my childhood the radio serials were replaced by cereal boxes . . . Continue reading →

On Christian Freedom, Two Kingdoms, and the Right Use of Scripture

Dear Mr _______, I’m grateful that you’re reading Recovering the Reformed Confession and that you took the time to write. I don’t know that I will be able to satisfy your concerns. It may be that we disagree on some basic issues.

Revisiting the URC Creation Decision

At Bylogos Dr John Byl, Professor of  Mathematics at Trinity Western University and Member of the Advisory Board of Reformation International College comments on a joint letter that Kim Riddlebarger, Mike Horton, and I sent to the Christian Renewal in 2001.  Dr . . . Continue reading →

What Can We Know And How?

During the Watergate hearings, Senator Howard Baker asked, “What did the President know, and when did he know it?” However important that question was in the politics of 1973, it remains an important question in theology today. A friend writes to ask . . . Continue reading →