So says Mike Gore at TCTT. UPDATE: So says Jack Sawyer, moderator of the OPC discussion list (This forum may be viewed only by members and requires a Yahoo ID to join). UPDATE #2: So says the CREC. PCA Ruling Elder Bob . . . Continue reading →
The FV Making Inroads in E. Europe?
One of our graduates, a Reformed pastor and church planter in the Mediterranean region, pointed me today to a troubling blog. The Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) is planting congregations in Europe, exporting the FV to Europe, and attempting to recruit . . . Continue reading →
It Takes One to Know One
Wes White is a penitent ex-federal visionary. He’s engaged in a serious struggle in his PCA presbytery with Federal Visionists and they’ve pulled out all the stops to try to shut him up by complaining in the courts of the church against . . . Continue reading →
Careful How You Vote in Moscow
Or you may face church discipline. You might want to keep this in mind if you’re thinking about attending or joining the Confederation of Reformed Evangelicals.
Leithart: Apostasy Happens
Dr Peter Leithart is a minister, a teaching elder in the PCA, who labors “out of bounds” (with permission of his presbytery) in a CREC congregation in the Moscow, ID area. He’s an explicit advocate of the Federal Vision doctrines and has . . . Continue reading →
Greg Looked Behind The Curtain: You Should Too
I’m not so sure the FV folk haven’t maintained unity between Moscow and Birmingham. The connections are still there….. So who is the Davenant Trust? Of the five board members two (Rick and Bradford (M.A., New Saint Andrews College) Littlejohn, father and . . . Continue reading →
Why We Remember The Reformation (Part 2)
Straight Out Of Münster
I think I first read about “web logs” about 1995, when I was teaching at Wheaton College. Then they were the domain of people writing about what they had for breakfast. They were daily, public journals where people recorded online their most . . . Continue reading →
Heidelcast 213: Answering Brian’s Text Asking How Do We Know Whether To Stay In A Congregation And Continuing The Series Our Father (4)
What Does It Mean To Say: "Our Heavenly Father"?
This is part four in our series on prayer, Our Father but before we get there we answer Brian’s Heidelext message asking about whether to stay in his congregation. They are in the process of joining the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. . . . Continue reading →