Should The Visible Church, As An Institution, Form And Express An Opinion On Political Violence?

s noted here previously, the mainline (liberal) PCUSA has adopted more than 120 positions on a bewildering variety of issues. The temptation to use the visible church to achieve one’s desired social goals is almost irresistible. Continue reading →

Trueman: It Is A Strange New World

Carl Trueman made a big splash by speaking uncomfortable truths to seemingly intractable power in The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self (Wheaton: Crossway, 2020). In Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution (Wheaton: Crossway, 2022), . . . Continue reading →

Review: Estelle, The Primary Mission Of The Church (Mentor, 2022)

Western culture is ripping apart, to varying degrees depending on the country, over issues of social justice and cultural welfare. That increasing pressure has also often included the advocates of various social causes demanding assent from everyone else. This no exception approach to ideological uniformity has also often affected the church, as proponents of cultural issues impose their views upon us as another institution that must get in line with secular orthodoxy. Continue reading →

Fedya Says: Please Continue Praying

In the meantime, he grieves his separation from his family, mourns his country’s suffering, and hopes in the gospel. “I believe the Lord is using this terrible situation to advance his gospel,” he said. “That’s the only hope for the world.” Minakov . . . Continue reading →

Sobre el papel de la mujer en la Iglesia

Entre el patriarcalismo y el igualitarismo

La ordenación de las mujeres, y, de forma más general, la participación de éstas en la iglesia, es un tema moderno que continúa produciendo numerosos libros, artículos e incluso apoyando sociedades. Lo peor que podemos hacer en las comunidades reformadas es ignorarlo . . . Continue reading →

Madison Reformed: Bringing Reformed Theology, Piety, And Practice To Southern Indiana

In 1850, a former slave named William J. Anderson built a church building in downtown Madison, Indiana. Anderson had escaped the clutches of slavery and made it just across the Ohio River into Madison. He became a conductor on the Underground Railroad and, . . . Continue reading →

Coming In December, 2022: Beza, Polanus, And Turretin On Justification

 From its inception, the goal of the Classic Reformed Theology Series from Reformation Heritage Books (sponsor of the Heidelcast) has been to present, in English, primary source texts in Reformed theology. This new volume is the sixth in the series, which began . . . Continue reading →