Second, I was struck by the fact that the last chapter – on post-confessional, mainline Presbyterianism – indicated just how irrelevant Presbyterianism has become in its liberal forms. With dull preaching, and always appearing to be a day late and a dollar . . . Continue reading →
theological liberalism
Pervasive Unbelief In The PCUSA
All this is true. But it really does not apply to the situation in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. The point is that that Church is very largely dominated by unbelief. It does not merely harbor unbelief here and there. No, . . . Continue reading →
For Conservatives In The CRC: This Is Your Future
…The denomination had decided to allow the ordination of women as elders (1966) and as ministers (1968). The verbatim record of these assemblies show that this was declared to be merely permissive legislation and evangelicals were assured it would never be forced . . . Continue reading →
The Truth About Theological Liberalism
A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross. —H. Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (1937), 193.
The Banality Of Theological Liberalism
A recent tweet from Union Theological Seminary in New York City indicates that the institution, which once boasted luminaries of the intellectual stature of Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich, is now encouraging an innovative penitential practice: confessing sins to plants. To quote . . . Continue reading →
H. Richard Niebuhr On Evangelical Theology In the 21st Century?
A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross. H. Richard Niebuhr, The Kingdom of God in America (New York: Harper & Row, 1959 [1937]) 193. (HT: Dustin Burge) . . . Continue reading →
Theological Liberalism And Drag Queens In The Church
How Did Methodists Get From Wesley To Drag Queens?
Indiana United Methodist minister Craig Duke donned a big pink wig, lots of purple eye shadow, bright red lipstick, and high heels while appearing on a recent HBO episode of “We’re Here.” The series features HBO drag queen hosts visiting small towns to recruit local drag queens to perform. Continue reading →
The PCUSA Continues Its Slide Into Oblivion
New Resource Page: On Mainline (Liberal) Christianity In North America
The expression “mainline church” is drawn from an old-money neighborhood in Philadelphia known as “the main line.” The mainline churches were what are sometimes called the “tall steeple” church along the mainline. Scholars of American Christianity sometimes speak of the “Seven Sisters . . . Continue reading →